Continued from page 1
You should always remember
reasons why you started your own business and stay focused. Success usually comes after continued effort but be smart in your efforts. Planning is a very big part of anyone’s success so think out what it is you want to accomplish on a regular basis (Time Management). Do a calendar to plan you time out so that you see what has to be done daily, weekly, and so on. You need to make a plan and stick to it even through
times that when you ask yourself “Why did I Start This?” Now that I got that of my chest I guess I need to do an article on time management. That will come out later in
When setting goals keep this in mind they should be ones that are realistic, attainable and measurable. one of
best way to do this is to always write down your goals. Yes write them down then map a plan of action using these guidelines in setting goals. Trust me I used it for many years in business and with others to help them understand how to accomplish a certain goal. The better you get to know
hows and whys in reaching your goals
easier it is to reach them. Remember
goals you set are what you want to accomplish whether they are business related or personal. I have said this to many people and will say it again here Always Keep You Goals Real.
Hopefully this shorten version of my lesson will help you either in getting started or just in setting goals.
Anthony Russell is
editor of Self Employment Internet Style. Anthony has over twenty-five years of experience in
management field. For more on Home Business related articles and information. Visited his web site at: Self Employment Internet Style at: http://
Note: Anthony Russell

Anthony Russell is the editor of Self Employment Internet Style. Anthony has over twenty-five years of experience in the management field. For more on Home Business related articles and information. Visited his web site at: Self Employment Internet Style at: http://