I Just Lost My Job: How Am I Going To Tell My Kids?

Written by Judith Lindenberger

Continued from page 1

4.Anticipate your children’s concerns. Assure your children that they will be okay. “I am going to look for another job. Our family will be okay.”

5.If you are worried about how you will survive financially, figure out how you can cut costs until you find another job.

6.Include your children in cutting costs but let them know it will be temporary. If your child asks you to buy him or her something and you need to wait until your finances are in better shape, say, “We can buy this for you once I find another job, okay?”

7.Let your children how you are feeling but also assure them that you will be okay. “I am upset that this happened but it has happened to many other people who have gone on and found other jobs. I will be fine.”

8.Answer their questions honestly and simply.

9.Allow your children to talk to their friends about this. Allow them to confide in others.

10.Hug them.

Finally, realize that your children will be closely watching how you handle this challenge in your life. When they see you bounce back from a setback, it will give them confidence to dorepparttar same in their lives.

I toldrepparttar 104854 woman I was counseling to tell her sonrepparttar 104855 truth. To tell him how she was feeling. To tell him that she would be okay. To tell him that he would be okay. And to tell him that she loves him.

The Lindenberger Group, LLC works with individuals to help you navigate your career. Visit our website at www.lindenbergergroup.com to learn why more individuals and employers are choosing us. Call us at 609.730.1049 or email us at info@lindenbergergroup.com.

An Easy Way to End the Year

Written by Joanne Victoria

Continued from page 1

What did you learn this past year? Write a letter to yourself and applaud your triumphs and your failures. Look atrepparttar people who have helped you this past year. Send them a note of appreciation.

Be grateful for what you have.

Check your income for last year. What's your amount for 2004? Determinerepparttar 104853 number of days you want to work in 2005, divide that into your 2005 projections and you have a new monthly financial model!

You don't have to look for new business to create new business; just createrepparttar 104854 space for it to appear. Take care of yourself, first, and avoid a hectic January. Take a nap, go torepparttar 104855 movies, buy yourself a present and be happy.

© 2004 Joanne Victoria, All rights reserved Worldwide

You are free to reprint or repost this article as long as you include complete attribution. Please includerepparttar 104856 following information:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joanne Victoria works with independent professionals and small business owners who want to be true to who they really are and still achieve more. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Buy her book, Lighting Your Path! How To Create repparttar 104857 Life You Want, here: http://www.JoanneVictoria.com/

Sign up now for Joanne’s FREE monthly e-zine Lighting Your Path!-Discover Your Inner Truth at: mailto:JoanneVictoria-subscribe@topica.com ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. Joanne Victoria – Coach, Speaker, Author Tel:415-491-1344 mailto:joanne@joannevictoria.com http://www.JoanneVictoria.com/programs.htm ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~

Joanne Victoria works with independent professionals and small business owners who want to be true to who they really are and still achieve more.

Joanne Victoria – Coach, Speaker, Author Tel:415-491-1344 mailto:joanne@joannevictoria.com http://www.JoanneVictoria.com/programs.htm

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