I Give Up!.......How to NOT Say Those Words!

Written by Terri Seymour

Continued from page 1

Stretch - Take five or ten minutes and do some stretching exercises. These feel absolutely wonderful and can be very invigorating and refreshing!!

Talk to Others - Call a friend or family member and just talk for a while. Share your thoughts and feelings and more than likely they will have you feeling better in minutes!

Have a Little Fun - Turn on some music and dance aroundrepparttar house a bit or do some reading or whatever you like to do. Forget about business and just be glad to be alive!

Push Away from Your Desk - Push away from that desk and just get up and walk around for a few minutes. Putz aroundrepparttar 130959 house for awhile and do an odd job or two. Then come back to your puter screen. Do not spend too long in front ofrepparttar 130960 computer at one time.

Close Your Eyes and Drift Away - Just sit back for a moment or two, close your eyes and let your thoughts drift away to wonderful and magical place! Take a few deep, cleansing breaths. When you come back to reality you should feel a bit refreshed!

Enjoy Time with Your Family - Spend some time with your family. Play a game, take a walk, watch a heart warming family adventure movie, or just sit and talk. No matter how hard we work, we have to make time for our family!

There are lots of ways to "refuel" ourselves, but actually doing them is not so easy. We think we don't haverepparttar 130961 time, but if we keep ourselves refreshed and healthy, we can probably get more work done in less time and never feel like we want to "Give Up!"

************* Terri Seymour and her husband Terry of www.seymourproducts.com offer a no cost, home business opportunity. Apply online. Resources and more for your home business available at www.myownezine.com Free ecourse business-building-ecourse@getresponse.com


Your Friends and Your Wealth

Written by Abel Cheng

Continued from page 1

If debt is bad, can you imagine what would happen to companies if they are not allowed to take loans fromrepparttar banks? As a general rule, if you use debts to buy things that increase in value over time, they are good debts. You must know whetherrepparttar 130958 debt you're taking is good or bad.

Money Myth 4: You need money to make money. When I ask my friends what's stopping them from starting their own business,repparttar 130959 common answer is "I don't have money. And it takes money to make money." I do agree that it takes money to make money. But does it really to be your own money?

Everybody has limited resources when it comes to achieving our financial goals. I do not expect you to have everything when you plan to build your own business. You might need financial backing, manpower, expertise, or a coach to guide you. If you lack resources in any areas, findrepparttar 130960 resources. Someone else will definitely have it. It does take money to make money, but you can use OPM - other people's money.

Money Myth 5: Investing is risky. Many think that investing is risky because they lack education in investing. Investing itself is not risky if you know how to controlrepparttar 130961 risks. Most of us invest based on a tip from a friend or broker without doing our own research. When you lose money, you say that investing is risky. And you tell yourself that you'll never invest again.

To be frank, everything we do has a risk in it. Learn to manage risks by educating yourself. You can educate yourself by attending seminars, reading books, or even fromrepparttar 130962 Internet.

Money Myth 6: Wealth reflects in material possessions. Material possessions reflect your level of wealth. This is a misleading measurement. Someone who is driving a Porsche might not be rich and he might highly in debt.

Wealth does not reflect in material possessions. Wealth is a state of mind. Wealth is how fast you can become rich if you're stripped of everything. As Henry Ford once said after he was asked what he would do if he lost all his fortunes, "I'll become a millionaire again within five years."

We possess one or more ofrepparttar 130963 above myths, consciously or unconsciously. But what is more important is to be aware ofrepparttar 130964 myths and replacerepparttar 130965 myths with facts. By doing this will tremendously improve your financial well being.

Abel Cheng offers small and medium enterprises exclusive global profits insider tips in his free publication, Abel Cheng's Business Diary. To officiate a bi-weekly subscription, please go to http://www.abelcheng.com/diary.html

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