I Dare You

Written by Oscar Bruce

Continued from page 1

CHALLENGES ARE THE STUFF OF LIFE. Going after what you want, pursuing what is important to you, these are keys to happiness. Everybody loves to be a winner, a star, a hero. Nobody wants to be a loser, a failure. Americans love to be number one.

IT IS THE BASIC NATURE OF MAN TO ACHIEVE, to explorerepparttar full potential ofrepparttar 122727 human spirit. Deep down in every heart isrepparttar 122728 desire to be somebody, to get somewhere, to be respected. Every individual yearns to make something of his or her life.

NO PERSON CAN BE HAPPY unless they are expressing their inherent potential, fully and completely. A life that satisfies is impossible without a sense of achievement and fulfillment.

THE BRAIN NEEDS OBJECTIVES. Most of us begin our journey with no end in mind. Then one day we find ourselves somewhere we don't want to be and don't have a clue how we got there. Nothing diminishes a life more than having nowhere to go. A mind with idle time and nowhere to go becomes filled with contradiction and doubt. Onrepparttar 122729 other hand, nothing enriches a life like being a part of something big.

THINK WHAT IT WILL MEAN TO YOU to possessrepparttar 122730 calm assurance that you are one ofrepparttar 122731 few people inrepparttar 122732 world who know exactly where they are going and how they are going to get there - and that attainment is only a matter of time. That you have something to believe in, a mission that gives purpose to your life, your days filled with meaningful tasks.

I DARE YOU to think bigger, to act bigger and to become bigger and I promise you a richer life, a more exciting life. The rewards for daring in this world teeming with opportunity were never so rich or so plentiful. Science, business, education are all looking for rare individuals who dare to face life creatively and aggressively, who dare to attach, rather than to defend or compromise.


I DARE you to stop putting conditions onrepparttar 122733 words commitment and dedication. I dare you to stop putting limitations on your dreams!

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Oscar Bruce's publications are textbooks for getting through life unscathed and undefeated. Additional information and access to his free newsletter are available at http://www.oscarbruce.com


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Oscar Bruce's publications are textbooks for getting through life unscathed and undefeated. Additional information and access to his free newsletter are available at http://www.oscarbruce.com

Do You Have What It Takes To Attract What You Want?

Written by Barbara Johnson

Continued from page 1

But thought alone will not completely magnetize you. As is true of anything worth attaining in life, hard work,dedication to your goals, and an unerring sense of faith are needed to actualizerepparttar ultimate attraction. If you can first think it--see it your mind's eye and visualize it--and then follow your visualization with steady effort, achievement will surely follow.

Discovery #4: You Can Attractrepparttar 122726 Ideals You Desire through Right Thought and Action

If you are ready to begin attractingrepparttar 122727 ideals you truly desire, like prosperity, success, security, and self confidence, then you should be spending your time paying attention to what you are thinking about during your day.

"Thinkrepparttar 122728 things you want." The profoundest philosophy is locked up in these few words. Think of them clearly,persistently, concentrating upon them with allrepparttar 122729 force and might of your mind, and struggle toward them with all your energy. This isrepparttar 122730 way to make yourself a magnet forrepparttar 122731 things you want.

Here is a 3-Step exercise you can do for a week to see what you are thinking about duringrepparttar 122732 day.

Step #1 Get a notebook and pen carry it with you where ever you go.

Step #2 Write down all your thoughts during a given day.

Step #3 After a week review your findings and see what you are thinking about. Is it Prosperity?Success?Self-Confidence? That's what you must be thinking to attractrepparttar 122733 ideas you desire.

Barbara Johnson is the author of this article and the publisher of "The Secrets Of Getting What You Want" ebook. She has been studying self-actualization for over 15 years and she knows how you can unlock the door to a better life. Are you frustrated with the way your life is today? Do you want more out of Life? Discover the Secrets to a Better Life. check out==> http://www.secretsofgettingwhatyouwant. com

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