I Could'a Been A Contenda

Written by Aron Wallad

Continued from page 1

Well everyone by now had heard aboutrepparttar new kid withrepparttar 132962 fast - ball and allrepparttar 132963 crazy pitches he had, but no one had put a batter in front of me. Well I went torepparttar 132964 mound a rookie and a virgin as for pitching to a batter, and wouldn’t you know itrepparttar 132965 batter hidrepparttar 132966 catcher and made him look small. So there I was 8 years old and onrepparttar 132967 stage. The catcher just kept saying go - ahead pitch it like you’ve been doing. I tookrepparttar 132968 ball beat my glove as I had always seen Whitey Ford do and swung my arms up over my head like Bob Turley and reared back and then forward grippingrepparttar 132969 ball as it slid out of my hands and it headed for home plate withrepparttar 132970 batter standing there ready to hit. The only thing wasrepparttar 132971 ball did everything I wanted it to do except hitrepparttar 132972 catcher’s glove, no instead it hitrepparttar 132973 batter and ouch! I know it must of hurt. Well now everyone was just saying and trying to calm me down, It’s Ok just simmer down and do it again. No problem! Here we go again andrepparttar 132974 same thing happened. Now I have two men onrepparttar 132975 bases and my creditability as a pitcher is waning fast. Oh well Rome wasn’t built in one day so I tried again. Low and behold I was awful. I hitrepparttar 132976 third batter. Well that wasrepparttar 132977 end of that career but it taught me a valuable lesson. Stick to what you know not what you think you know. See I was a third baseman not a pitcher but I wanted to play so much I at least tried and no one can fault someone for trying except mayberepparttar 132978 three kids I hit that day.

This story was written by Saul Applebaum ( The Contenda )

Aron Wallad has been a baseball lover for over 40 years. Writing about his favorite subject, baseball, has been a blessing. You will enjoy the heartwarming stories, the unusual statistics and inspiring quotes. But mostly you will love the heartwarming stories that hit a home run to your heart. Join his ezine http://www.baseballsprideandjoy.com/index.php?tag=goart

General Fishing Product Category Review: Are Circle Hooks for You?

Written by Jeff Williams

Continued from page 1

Anatomy Of The Circle-Hook Hook Set

Once you notice a fish has takenrepparttar bait and is not moving away fromrepparttar 132961 bait and is not moving away fromrepparttar 132962 boat and tighteningrepparttar 132963 line, pick uprepparttar 132964 rod. Then reel in as much line as possible until you feelrepparttar 132965 steady pressure ofrepparttar 132966 fish onrepparttar 132967 end ofrepparttar 132968 line. Oncerepparttar 132969 tip ofrepparttar 132970 hook has started to penetrate,repparttar 132971 hook andrepparttar 132972 fish will dorepparttar 132973 rest. It’s as simple as that. Ifrepparttar 132974 fish isn’t giving much resistance, you can use a long sweeping motion ofrepparttar 132975 rod to buryrepparttar 132976 hook.

Other Benefits

The other neat option thatrepparttar 132977 CircleChunk Light has is a bait-stop barb onrepparttar 132978 shank to help with that persistent problem of double hooking your bait. There is no perfect hook, we all have to acceptrepparttar 132979 fact that sometimesrepparttar 132980 most bone jarring of strikes never result in a hook up, and some little pullovers result in a mighty deep hook set, but after using these hooks for a year I’m convinced they work better than my old stand bys.

I was a pretty hard sell at first, I’ll have to admit, but I’m glad I gaverepparttar 132981 circle chunk lite a try. I have used them in both current and slack or dead water situations. These hooks performrepparttar 132982 same wherever you fish. I feel good about using hooks with such consistent performance as well as being a quality-made and super-sharp hook right out ofrepparttar 132983 package. After years of trying all kinds of hooks from big treble hooks to kahyle hooks, I believe thatrepparttar 132984 improved circle hook Daiichi has come up with is a fantastic option for any angler.

Fishing done right is work, andrepparttar 132985 harder you work atrepparttar 132986 perfect hook setrepparttar 132987 happier you will be withrepparttar 132988 reward atrepparttar 132989 end of your line.

Copyright © 2004-2005 Jeff Williams

You have permission to publish this article free of charge as long as you are not selling it and that you includerepparttar 132990 author bylines immediately visible withrepparttar 132991 article and, if published in an electronic medium such as on a web site, you provide a link back to www.ozark-lodges-fishing-trips.com inrepparttar 132992 author bylines, both whererepparttar 132993 web address is listed as well as well as withrepparttar 132994 text “Lake ofrepparttar 132995 Ozarks Catfish Fishing Guide Service”:

Jeff Williams runs a Truman Lake Hybrid Bass and Lake of the Ozarks Catfish Fishing Guide Service offering lodging and guided trips in Missouri. To book a trip, learn more tips, or find out how Capt. Jeff would fish your own local waters, call 1-866-HOOKSET or visit http://www.ozark-lodges-fishing-trips.com today!

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