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Putting labels on other people to see where people fit is not bad, except some people want to include God in this PHS equation and He does not fit.
Perhaps because we are in an election year, many people ask
question, "Is God a Democrat or a Republican?" I have never heard anyone ask if God was an Independent or member of
Green Party. Maybe they know something about these parties I don't.
During an election year, politicians will use anything or anyone to help their cause. Most politicians need more help in their cause than even God could give them.
However, some think it important to try to draw God into their party platform. The further behind they are in
more they invoke
Almighty on their behalf.
Knowing God as I do, and understanding as much of politics as I do, no politician in his right mind (and try to find one in his right or left mind) would even want God on their side. God deals in absolutes. A thing is absolutely right or it is absolutely wrong.
Politicians shy away from absolutes.
A politician deals with all things relative and self-serving. If it does not advance his or her cause,
politician has no interest in it.
Every political party has its "spin-room." That's a place where they take what was said and spin it around for self-serving purposes. It all depends, so they all say, on what your definition of is, is.
I remember
day my mother got her first spin dryer. Up to that time, she hung all
washing outside to dry in God's good sunshine. Then came
spin dryer and it did not matter what
weather was like outside, my mother could always dry
It was great. If some of
clothes were not folded right away and were wrinkled, she just tossed them into
dryer and, presto,
wrinkles were gone.
The political "spin-zone" does
very same thing. If a political candidate says something, immediately it goes into
spin to get rid of those wrinkles.
God, however, does not work that way. In
Old Testament we read, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith
Lord. For as
heavens are higher than
earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV.)
It is never a question of whether God is on my side, but whether I am on His side. The only way to get on "God's side" is through
Lord Jesus Christ.

Rev. James L. Snyder is an award winning author and popular columnist living in Ocala, FL with his wife Martha.