I'm on the Jesus Diet

Written by Alli Ross

Continued from page 1

Foods that make you drowsy

Carbohydrates leave you feeling calm and relaxed. Ever noticed that right after lunch always seems to berepparttar perfect time for a nap. Do avoid this drowsiness effect, pack some protein into your diet, but remember, everything in moderation.

Foods that energize

Get plenty of iron. Many women lack energy because they lack iron in their diet. This can usually be fixed with an iron supplement.

Boost your metabolism by eating once every three to four hours. Have some fruit or carrot sticks handy when you're onrepparttar 136857 run. Our bodies increase their metabolism each time we eat. We can boost are metabolism with healthy snacks throughoutrepparttar 136858 day.

Go all natural. Eating only whole, natural foods helps to maximize energy levels. Try to limit processed foods as much as possible.

Exercise. This isrepparttar 136859 number one metabolism booster. If you can do a quick walk during your lunchtime, this is sure to keep you running on high forrepparttar 136860 afternoon.

GranMamma is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box - http://www.babynamebox.com - Where you can explore thousands of unique and unusual baby names . Read articles on parenting, family, home and gardening. Be sure to say hi to GranMamma!


Written by Charmaine Saunders

Continued from page 1

Where is it to be found? Where it always resides - inside each of us. Right now, we need some extra awareness of its existence and a reminder that we carryrepparttar seeds of peace always and ever with us. This is a time of greater need for meditation in whatever form appeals, more communing with nature, more time spent with loved ones as we are daily reminded ofrepparttar 136801 fragility of life, more reflection uponrepparttar 136802 things that really matter inrepparttar 136803 end.

In practical terms, we can ward off stress overload by effective time management, keeping things in perspective, not giving in to negative thinkiing and fear, moderating our schedules and living habits, staying in touch with joy.


A very under-rated emotion. It’s not deep and intense like anger or jealousy and it sounds a bit fluffy like delight or curiosity. Yet, for me, joy isrepparttar 136804 centre of existence because it isrepparttar 136805 essence of our life-force and offers such gifts as creativity, sexuality and spirituality. Allrepparttar 136806 best things come from joy. So, if you’re in touch with your own wellspring of joy, how can you fail to also have wellbeing?

Joy is present inrepparttar 136807 midst of tragedy, death, sorrow, disappointment, conflict, anger, violence. It is an integral part ofrepparttar 136808 human condition so it can never be absent from our endeavours, our daily lives and even our pain. We are after all, creatures of contradiction, of polarity, are we not? Our lives are always walked onrepparttar 136809 tightrope of contrasting desires and energies; hencerepparttar 136810 desire for addiction, excesses, oblivion. It’s a constant balancing act and some people falter more readily and reach out for negative remedies that poison rather than cure.

Psychological health is walkingrepparttar 136811 fine line betweenrepparttar 136812 darkness andrepparttar 136813 light, between our shining selves and our negative egos. It’s there betweenrepparttar 136814 contrasts that we find true wellness. It is a place of healing and serenity, not of struggle and exertion. In a nutshell, we all basically try too hard at life - too hard to be happy, to be successful, to be beautiful, to be loved, to be secure, to be safe - all myths. But joy is not. It is our constant gift in an ever-changing world, totally effortless and free. When we cannot feel joy, we are separated fromrepparttar 136815 best part of ourselves.


We are never without love whether we have family and friends, whether we’re in a relationship or whether we’re considered lovable or not. Like joy, love is a birthright and therefore, resides deep within us at all times. All you have to do is access it and you need never again feel alone or lonely, isolated or rejected

Once you feel that love within yourself, you’ll easily love others, attract love to yourself from outside and find more things around you to love. The world will look likerepparttar 136816 amazing place it is despiterepparttar 136817 horrors of war, poverty, crime, violence and natural disasters. You will indeed see through rose-coloured glasses but not ones by which you disguiserepparttar 136818 ugliness; rather thatrepparttar 136819 love you feel will shine out for others to see and in turn, your own vision will be brighter. Life takes on a different glow andrepparttar 136820 bridge between you andrepparttar 136821 rest ofrepparttar 136822 world will seem less large. If you’ve never experienced this, I urge you to try working fromrepparttar 136823 inside out and start sensingrepparttar 136824 peace and harmony you have at your disposal every day of your life. Love isrepparttar 136825 ultimate high!

Overall wellness is not just possible, it is readily attainable if we just let it be, if we own our joy and love ourselves enough to let life be easy.

Some readers may be struggling with disability, disease, loss, financial hardship and so on. Where isrepparttar 136826 wellness in these conditions, you might ask. Well, no-one ownsrepparttar 136827 territory of your mind except you. Even inrepparttar 136828 darkest prison, you always haverepparttar 136829 illumination of your inner beauty. Be there and you will feel your own presence, your inner comfort and that, isrepparttar 136830 meaning of true wellbeing.

Dr Charmaine Saunders is a therapist, columnist, magazine and online contributor, lecturer and author of 6 self-help books. Her web site is at www.charmainesaunders.com

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