How to write an Article?

Written by Lakshmi Menon

Continued from page 1

Don't get disappointed on this issue. Please remember each one's article is a unique piece when they write it in their own words.

If you have any doubt, give it a try. Give a topic to 10 people and ask them to write an article on that topic. You won't believe until you see them, all of them will be a unique piece.

You will be surprised to see that when you write your thoughts on repparttar paper and publish it as an article there will be lot of readers. The only thing you have to be careful is that your article is informative and easy to understand for a common man. Once you start writing you will notice your depth of knowledge onrepparttar 128653 subject and your hidden talent of writing.

If you can write an "How to" article you can be a successful writer. Millions of people will be browsing throughrepparttar 128654 net forrepparttar 128655 "How to" articles.

Try writing your own experience when you faced a problem how did you solve it. That information might of help for many others.

Just keep writing.

Lakshmi Menon is the owner of

10 Ways To Generate New Articles Ideas And Topics

Written by Ken Hill

Continued from page 1

You might be able to come up with an original slant thatrepparttar other author didn't cover in her article or a topic that you could research for your next article.

7. Use questions you get from your subscribers, visitors, or customers for ideas.

Questions that you get on a regular basis can be an excellent source of new ideas and topics that will appeal to your target audience.

8. Go to a seminar or marketing conference.

In addition, to finding more new article topics, you'll be able to learn new things and gain more contacts.

9. Conduct an interview.

You'll be able to get a new article fromrepparttar 128651 interview itself.

The person you interview could also bring up things in their responses that you could do some research on for a new article.

10. Run a survey.

Ask your participants what topics they're interested in learning more about in your e-zine or on your site, and you'll be able to get more new ideas and topics.

Article by writer, Ken Hill. Save loads of time promoting your articles with this powerful tool for e-zine publishers and article writers. Learn more at:

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