How to use Pay-Per-Click Ads-without ruin yourself.

Written by Torgeir Sunnarvik

Continued from page 1

Remember that you get 1000 visitors for $100 if you bid only $0,10 per click. So, if you are selling a product that costs $25, and you sell around one unit per 100 visitors, you will have earned $250 after getting 1000 visitors to your website. You will have earned $250 for every $100 spent on your keyword ad campaign.

You should also think about saving money when you write your ad. Don't try to lure people into click your ad by writing about free offers or any hype of that kind. You might get a lot of visitors that way, but they will leave your site when they see that they have to pay for your product. They are only using up your money without helping you to make a single sale.

Instead you should write exactly what you are offering, and what price you are asking forrepparttar product. That way you are getting targeted visitors that know they have to payrepparttar 103027 price you set inrepparttar 103028 ad in order to getrepparttar 103029 product you are offering. To top it off, you can offer them a test drive. If it's an ebook you can put one chapter of it onto a auto responder in 5-7 emails. Then sendrepparttar 103030 messages once a day torepparttar 103031 people that sign up forrepparttar 103032 test drive.

Now you can sit back and see what results you get. Letrepparttar 103033 ad go for a month and see how many clicks it takes before anyone buys from you. If it's not bringing back enough money, you should try to figure out what's wrong. Is itrepparttar 103034 ad or is it your web page? Anyway, try to fix it and letrepparttar 103035 ad go for another month. When you have a reasonable return of investment(ROI), it's time to let repparttar 103036 ad continue its run, without any more work on your part. Now, your ad is running on auto pilot. Just remember to check it once a month to see ifrepparttar 103037 ROI is dropping. If it's not bringing in enough money, you can then find another product, and dorepparttar 103038 same thing all over again.

Torgeir Sunnarvik is the owner and webmaster of site offer free ebooks,ebooks with reprint rights and marketing articles.

Real Estate Investor Banned From Renting His Property?

Written by Mark Walters

Continued from page 1

Investors Beware!

The new homebuyer should be made aware ofrepparttar no leasing restriction when they buy. But what aboutrepparttar 103026 investor who buys a home a few years later? Ifrepparttar 103027 investor fails to read and understandrepparttar 103028 CC&Rs he or she may end up owning a property that they cannot rent.

You can't count onrepparttar 103029 home seller alerting you torepparttar 103030 restriction. They may berepparttar 103031 third or fourth owner ofrepparttar 103032 home and not even be aware ofrepparttar 103033 restriction.

Oh sure, you could buyrepparttar 103034 home, rent it and hope you are not discovered violatingrepparttar 103035 CC&Rs.

However, anyone who has ever dealt with a HOA soon discovers that there are always a few other homeowners with an eagle eye out forrepparttar 103036 slightest infraction ofrepparttar 103037 CC&Rs. They delight in notifyingrepparttar 103038 HOA management company,,, andrepparttar 103039 management company is bound to investigate and enforcerepparttar 103040 rules. For yourepparttar 103041 investor is no appeal... and there is no recourse.

This is a strong reminder that every investor should have a clause in every purchase contract that saysrepparttar 103042 purchase agreement is contingent upon you receiving, reading and approving a copy ofrepparttar 103043 CC&Rs.

This is a potential ulcer-creating situation that no investor can afford to ignore.

Mark Walters is a third generation real estate investor who shares his experience from his Web site at

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