How to turn a hamburger into a profitable business...

Written by Jose L. Gonzalez

Continued from page 1

BINGO. Oh yes. You got it. The idea was already up there, running and making people money. And there were also people out there selling dowmloadable products, and a bunch of so called "gurus" trying to teach me. And an ebook about making your cat go torepparttar bathroom. And about picking girls. And products for blind people, and for writers, and for athletes, and for home moms, and for children, and for almost anything you can imagine.

It is now a tradition. Whenever I want to brainstorm a new business idea, I go and take a cheeseburger. I sit down, paper and pen in hand, and I jot down every wild idea I come up with. I look around for KEYS. Someone talking about guitar lessons, someone onrepparttar 119539 phone yelling about his PC broke down. Someone doubting about if that or this diet is better. A dog biting his owner. A mother that can't stop her baby from crying...

Then I search for related information in Google. I look for affiliate programs. I build a site or promote directly in Pay per Click. I may even consider writing a report or ebook, building a newsletter, posting in local newspapers... and then I make money. Simple when you discoverrepparttar 119540 right way to do it.

So. Give me a cheese burger and some weeks and I can turn it into a profitable business. And sometimes in a fun hobby that makes money for me.

Do you have your "cheese burger" moment? . If not look for it! If you are starting out it is sooooo important. Keep yourself motivated and eager! Once your business is working, go for another Niche. If it doesn't work , then brainstorm another.

This is what I jot down in my cheese burger effect moment:

Topic: cats, satellite dishes, lottery, auctions... etc What kind of people ?: youths, owners, professionals, house wives... etc

Products they want: cat toys, guides, winning systems, wine...

Once at home I do my research using Google and some other tools to find out if I can profit form them and if I can find affiliates programs, or if competition is tight, or if can find enough information.

This is your jump start!

Jose L. Gonzalez has a Journalism degree in Spain, a career that he still works now and then mostly for fun. After months of hard research, finally making a living online with several websites on different niches. He is editor of Premier Marketing Ezine and author of The Marketing Master Course.

Marketing On The Cheap: Speak Out!

Written by Floyd Snyder

Continued from page 1

If you don't consider yourself a very good speaker, not to worry. Pre-record your presentation. With all ofrepparttar fancy audio-visual equipment there is out there, today anyone can come off sounding like a world-class orator. You may also want to consider hiring a professional to voice your presentation. My company was hired at one time to put together a presentation for a company promoting an affordable housing project. I hired a local television personality to dorepparttar 119538 voice over. Once his distinctive voice was recognized, it gave instant credibility to our presentation. My name andrepparttar 119539 name of my company were listed onrepparttar 119540 program duringrepparttar 119541 introduction, and I handledrepparttar 119542 question and answer period atrepparttar 119543 end. Other than that I didn't have too much to do, beyond showing up, setting up and turning onrepparttar 119544 audio-visual equipment.

Make sure you include some sort of hand out to go along with whatever kind of presentation you do, even if it's just some sort of imprinted premium like a pen or a keychain. These sort items, as opposed to business cards, are less likely to findrepparttar 119545 trash can beforerepparttar 119546 receiver leavesrepparttar 119547 building. Other speaking opportunities you should look into include your local college. Most of them have some sort of adult classes. I had a number of programs I did in our local community college. I made class presentations of 1-2 hour duration and in one case did a 2-week how-to presentation every semester. These were all adult classes and provided tremendous exposure torepparttar 119548 exact market I was aiming to reach.

Your local chamber of commerce may also offer any number of speaking opportunities. They may sponsor business conferences or trade shows. I didn't like setting uprepparttar 119549 standard booths at these sorts of events myself, but rather preferred to be a presenter or do a demonstration of some sort. You might even consider leadingrepparttar 119550 discussion in a breakout group. This will get your name in most, if not all, ofrepparttar 119551 pre-event promotional materials and offers a higher level of exposure and credibility.

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About the Author: Floyd Snyder is the owner of Strictly Business Magazine at, and

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