How to shop for a Treadmill

Written by Paul Reeve

Continued from page 1

Continuous duty means thatrepparttar treadmill will run at its listed h.p. rating with a significant workload over extended periods of time--an important consideration.Be wary of manufacturers who list "peak-performance" h.p. ratings. It sounds impressive, but all peak performance indicates is a motor's maximum power, not its sustained output.

What'srepparttar 115120 best belt size?

To handlerepparttar 115121 long stride and natural side-to-side movement of runners, treadmill belts are expanding in width and length. Twenty-inch-wide belts are becoming common, and no belt should be narrower than 17 or 18 inches. The length ofrepparttar 115122 running area should be at least 50 inches, with 55 to 60 inches preferable for taller runners.

How important isrepparttar 115123 construction ofrepparttar 115124 deck?

Often overlooked by consumers (perhaps because it's hidden beneathrepparttar 115125 belt) isrepparttar 115126 treadmill's deck, or bed. Better-quality decks are usually made of thin layers of laminated wood, coated with lubricants to minimize friction betweenrepparttar 115127 belt and deck, which in turn reduces strain onrepparttar 115128 motor. The smootherrepparttar 115129 deck coating,repparttar 115130 less friction betweenrepparttar 115131 belt and deck.

Deck construction, more thanrepparttar 115132 belt, influences how smooth or hard your treadmill feels to run on and how well it absorbs shock. You want a surface that gives a bit but doesn't bounce.

Better decks are reversible, meaning they can be turned over--thereby (in theory, at least) doublingrepparttar 115133 life ofrepparttar 115134 deck. Some decks require owner maintenance without which they may succumb in a year. Proper care, however, can extend a deck's life forrepparttar 115135 lifetime ofrepparttar 115136 treadmill.

AC or DC?

Direct-current-driven (DC) motors power most home treadmills. DC motors start slowly, provide a more consistent response to speed, incline and weight demands, and tend to run quieter than alternating-current (AC) motors. With DC, you're dealing with fewer internal parts, which may cut down on repairs.

AC motors, which tend to be found in club treadmills, startrepparttar 115137 belt at a faster speed. But you should be safe plugging either an AC or a DC motor into your wall outlet at home.


A good home treadmill can cost up to $5,000 and will likely berepparttar 115138 most expensive piece of exercise equipment you'll ever buy. Why so much money to run in place? To answer this, we contacted Cybex International, manufacturer ofrepparttar 115139 high-end Trotter line.

Companies that makerepparttar 115140 best treadmills installrepparttar 115141 highest grade of parts and components available, including expensive motors, safety and comfort features and long-lasting decks. Your treadmill's components have to be able to withstand a terrific beating--more than 1,000 footstrikes per mile of running. Withrepparttar 115142 price of a high-end treadmill, you should get a machine that is absolutely durable, with a longer, more complete warranty that reflects its superior quality.

If you're inrepparttar 115143 market to seriously educate yourself about treadmills, visit where you can obtain more detailed information.

Paul Reeve is a Personal Trainer responsible for training individuals one-on-one and assisting them in achieving their health and fitness goals and providing them with guidance, support and motivation. Presenter and lecturer for Fitness Professionals, Sports Organizations, Sport Coaches, Corporate and Community Organizations. Webmaster for - providing informed advice on exercise treadmills.

Good Food / Bad Food - What's Left to Eat?

Written by Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP

Continued from page 1

Addicted to Fruit?

I heard someone complain they were "addicted to fruit" and I had to wonder, what do they eat? The person who refuses to eat fruit because they believe it is too high in sugar, probably does eat cookies, crackers and sugary cereals. They might even drink artificially flavored and sweetened drinks, but they refuse to eat a natural food, grown from our earth? That makes no sense, if you think about it. Did our planet develop and thrive based on processed foods? No, of course not. They are very recent inrepparttar evolution of our world. Very recent. In fact, we've had processed foods less than 200 years, while our planet is millions of years old.

Withrepparttar 115119 high incidence of obesity, and our high consumption of processed foods, it's hard not to drawrepparttar 115120 conclusion that one causesrepparttar 115121 other. You won't hear big industry stating that case because our economy depends on us buyingrepparttar 115122 products being produced byrepparttar 115123 companies that employ us. You'll never see it reported that "scientists discovered refined flour kills," even if it were proven true because it doesn't support our way of life. We need industry.

Witnessingrepparttar 115124 epidemic of food illnesses such as Mad Cow, and now Bird Flu, I can envision a society withoutrepparttar 115125 mass produced meat industry. It will come to pass - nothing but your local farm will be allowed to sell meat becauserepparttar 115126 big farm industry cannot guarantee safety ofrepparttar 115127 food supply. Meat will become much more expensive because when they can no longer mass produce it, there is nowhere for prices to go but up. So do we whine and cry and moan about our misfortune or do we start to think of meat as something to savor and enjoy likerepparttar 115128 Sunday roasts we had years ago? We never ate meat every day then - and we weren't so fat either. We simply didn't eat as much processed foods. Most of us had moms at home cooking us dinner, making our lunches and even fixing our breakfasts.

Yes, progress marches on, but when it comes to your body, common sense rulesrepparttar 115129 day. The Common Sense Diet! Try it on for size today.

Kathryn Martyn a master NLP and EFT Practitioner has developed an 8-step process for ending the emotional struggle with weight loss. She is the owner of and runs a successful private practice in Vancouver, Washington.

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