How to reduce your risk of becoming a victim of sexual assault

Written by Tonya Genison Prince

Continued from page 1
·Trust your instincts. ·Never leave your beverages unattended if you are inrepparttar company of persons you do not know and trust well whether male or female. ·Think carefully about being alone with a person that you do not know well. Evaluate how well you really knowrepparttar 130611 persons you chose to spend time alone with. ·When dating, be on alert for controlling behaviors. ·Try to avoid being in a position that causes you to be dependent upon another person. Carry a well-charged cell phone and always know whom you can call in a jam. ·Communicate your limits and boundaries clearly in short concise statements. Polite statements may be ignored. Make it clear that your decision is not up for discussion. ·Reassure people you care about that they can come to you ifrepparttar 130612 unfortunate happens and someone assaults them. Many victims will never share their painful secret with those who might expect that they would. Children and other loved ones should be assured that you will not blame them and they will not be in trouble if they share “secrets” with you. Takerepparttar 130613 time to educate yourself about sexual assault andrepparttar 130614 effects onrepparttar 130615 victims, you may need it sooner than you realize. ·Right now isrepparttar 130616 time to talk to your loved ones who will be attending college. Maintain ongoing communication with young men as well as young women about safe behavior. Encourage young men to educate themselves about consent and remind them not to support jokes or situations in which someone may be assaulted. These tips may help to reduce your risk of sexual assault but may not entirely prevent this violent crime from occurring. It is important to keep in mind thatrepparttar 130617 offender is always to blame and that sexual assault is neverrepparttar 130618 fault ofrepparttar 130619 survivor. No one asks or deserves to be sexually assaulted. Ifrepparttar 130620 unfortunate does happen, help is available.

Tonya Genison Prince is a personal coach and editor of two newsletters; "Arise" for people of faith who have experienced sexual assault, and "Sing" provides knowledge for their wise counsel. With 10 years experience as a sexual assault and family violence advocate and counselor; she is also a speaker/trainer for persons of faith on how to minister to survivors of sexual assault. For subscription, booking, consultation or product information contact

Problem Solving: Puffy Eyes

Written by Natalie Katsman

Continued from page 1

Unless cause by internal disorders or genetics, puffiness under eyes can be prevented. Cosmetologists recommend paying attention torepparttar delicate eye area starting at 20-25 years of age, especially, if your relatives have this problem.

Avoid such risk factors as stress, unhealthy foods, beer and strong alcoholic beverages - they all lead to water retention. You may want to limit your fluid intake as well.

Look for light eye creams and gels with arnica, vitamin K, collagen, elastin or hyaluronic acid.

Homemade treatments can also be effective. To reduce puffiness and improve circulation, mix 2 teaspoon of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of finely chopped parsley, put mixture in cheesecloth and apply torepparttar 130610 eye area for 10-15 minutes.

Another easy recipe is grated potato, applied inrepparttar 130611 same manner asrepparttar 130612 sour cream eye mask. These masks will produce visible improvements if done 1-2 times a week.

Herbal compress is another natural treatment you can do at home.

Cover 1 tsp of sage leaves with 1/2 cup of boiling water and let stand for 10 minutes. Filterrepparttar 130613 infusion and divide it into two parts - warm and cold. Soak two gauze pads or cotton balls in each bowl and apply to eyes: 10 minutes warm and 10 minutes cold. Do this procedure every night during a month. Sage can be substituted by chamomile or dill weeds.

Finish treatments with your favorite anti-puffiness eye cream.

All ofrepparttar 130614 above measures, including massage, are also very beneficial in preventing wrinkles and brighteningrepparttar 130615 skin. You don't have to wait for puffy eyes or wrinkles to show up. Do something good for your skin now to keep it from aging.

(C) Natalie Katsman, 2004

Natalie Katsman is a co-founder of, where you can find fine quality aloe vera products for beauty and well-being and subscribe to HealthySkin Newsletter filled with beauty tips, recipes and information on herbal healing, skin care and cosmetic chemistry.

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