Continued from page 1
Depending on
daily structure of your life, it might be necessary to divide
hours you spend each day on your business. This is not a problem as long as you’re consistent. Indeed, sometimes it may be helpful to designate segments of your business time to different operations. You may find it useful, for example, to spend an hour in
morning answering email and phone messages and generally dealing with your business contacts. Then in
evening you could spend an hour, or two if you have it and can honestly make use of it, in such things as advertising your business, determining your best business sources, and generally doing whatever it is that causes your business to be better this month than it was last month.
In closing, allow me to restate what is probably
most important single piece of advice I have ever given: you gotta be consistent if you want to be successful. Whether you give one hour per day or eight hours per day to your business, you have to give it that every day, day in and day out. If you honestly do that, you will find that you have a successful business far more quickly than anyone would ever have imagined!
Looking forward to your success, --John Pryor,
Home Biz Advisor—
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John Pryor is the owner of a successful internet business incorporating a number of affiliate and sales programs under one roof to create multiple income streams. He has, over the years, found by experience many things that work and quite a few that don't. He takes great pleasure in sharing knowledge of the things that do.