How to get top position rankings in the search engines every time within 28 days!

Written by Ulla Saastamoinen

Continued from page 1
•The total number of times a specified keyword appears within your anchor text •The percentage of websites that a specified anchor text exists within your anchor text. •The total number of outbound links onrepparttar webpage your link resides on •The total number of links onrepparttar 128096 the webpage your link resides on. •Allows you to do a “whois search” onrepparttar 128097 website your link resides on •The email address ofrepparttar 128098 website your link resides on •The link popularity ofrepparttar 128099 webpage your link resides on •Calculatesrepparttar 128100 average Page Rank of allrepparttar 128101 websites pointing to your website •Calculatesrepparttar 128102 number of PR0-10 websites linking to your website It will help you to find Super Affiliates that will be willing to promote your products. It helps you find how many web pages each ofrepparttar 128103 major search engines have indexed. This is very important when optimizing your webpages. It's good to keep a close eye on how long it takes for your pages to get indexed. This SEO Tool will instantly tell you how many pages have been indexed. Find where your website is ranked for any search term on all ofrepparttar 128104 major search engines including Google, Yahoo, Alltheweb, MSN, and Altavista. You will be able to analyze special search commands on Google such as "allinanchor, allintext, and allintitle". This will help you know which area you need to better optimize; whether it is your anchor text surrounding your links,repparttar 128105 number of timesrepparttar 128106 keyword is found in your text, orrepparttar 128107 number of times your keyword is found inrepparttar 128108 title of each webpage. You can find exactly which websites your competitors are advertising on. This helps you to find websites to advertise your product. If your competitor has advertised on a specific website for months. You know it's profitable and can steal their spot! Eliminate any websites that you link to that have been penalized by Google. This is a great feature that ensures you NEVER get penalized for linking to a penalized website. Plus much more! For more information click here Now

Ulla Saastamoinen lives in Helsinki, Finland and is a mother of three children. Has been in home business about a year doing it part time.

Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 4b: Site Optimization

Written by Dave Davies

Continued from page 1

With this in mind there are three points that you should consider:

  1. You do not work for Google or Yahoo! or any ofrepparttar other major search engines (and if you do you're notrepparttar 128095 target audience of this article). You will never know 100% what this "magic number" is.
  2. Even if you did know whatrepparttar 128096 optimal keyword density was today, would you still know it afterrepparttar 128097 next update? Like other aspects ofrepparttar 128098 search engine algorithm, optimal keyword densities change. You will be chasing smoke if you try to constantly haverepparttar 128099 optimal density and chances are you will hinder your efforts more than help by constantly changingrepparttar 128100 densities of your site.
  3. The optimal keyword density for one search engine is notrepparttar 128101 same as it is for another. Chasingrepparttar 128102 density of one may very well ruin your efforts on another.

So what can you do? Your best bet is to simple place your targeted keyword phrase in your content as often as possible while keepingrepparttar 128103 content easily readable by a live visitor. Your goal here is not to sell to search engines, it is to sell to people. I have seen sites that have gone so overboard in increasing their keyword density thatrepparttar 128104 content itself reads horribly. If you are simply aware ofrepparttar 128105 phrase that you are targeting while you write your content then chances are you will attain a keyword density somewhere between 3 and 5%. Stay in this range and, provided thatrepparttar 128106 other aspects ofrepparttar 128107 optimization process are in place, you will rank well across many ofrepparttar 128108 search engines.

Also remember when you're looking over your page that when you're reading itrepparttar 128109 targeted phrase may seem to stand out as it's used more than any other phrase onrepparttar 128110 page and may even seem like it's a bit too much. Unless you've obviously overdone it (approachedrepparttar 128111 10% rather than 5% end ofrepparttar 128112 spectrum) it's alright for this phrase to stand out. This isrepparttar 128113 phrase thatrepparttar 128114 searcher was searching for. When they see it onrepparttar 128115 page it will be a reminder to them what they are looking for an seeing it a few times will reinforce that you can help them findrepparttar 128116 information they need to make repparttar 128117 right decision.

Final Notes

In an effort to increase keyword densities, unethical webmasters will often use tactics such as hidden text, extremely small font sizes, and other tactics that basically hide text from a live visitor that they are providing to a search engines. Take this advice, write quality content, word it well and pay close attention to your phrasing and you will do well. Use unethical tactics and your website may rank well inrepparttar 128118 short term but once one of your competitors realizes what you're doing you will be reported and your website may very well get penalized. Additionally, if a visitor realizes that you're simply "tricking"repparttar 128119 search engines they may very well decide that you are notrepparttar 128120 type of company they want to deal with; one that isn't concerned with integrity but rather one that will use any trick to try to get at their money. Is thisrepparttar 128121 message you want to send?

Next Week

Next week in part five of our "Ten Steps To an Optimized Website" series we will be covering internal links strategies and best practices. This will cover everything from image links and scripts to inline and basic text links.

Dave Davies is the owner of Beanstalk Search Engine Positioning. He has been optimizing and ranking websites for over three years and has a solid history of success. Dave is available to answer any questions that you may have about your website and how to get it into the top positions on the major search engines.

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