How to get the most from your web promotion.

Written by Paul Easton

Continued from page 1

2. Paste it into NotePad

3. Remove allrepparttar # symbols

4. Edit "" torepparttar 124779 site you want it to go to.

5. Choose "save as" fromrepparttar 124780 save menu of NotePad and save it as "index.htm" or "index.html"

Now you have a page that will redirect a new page or site, to check it you should be able to click onrepparttar 124781 file you have created and it will open your Internet browser, show "please wait" and then loadrepparttar 124782 site you have specified.

If you saverepparttar 124783 file in a folder called "new" and then upload it to your web site, then you can use: for any promotion.

Now you have a clean link than does not showrepparttar 124784 destination web address.

Now we want to take it one step further and know what response we are getting fromrepparttar 124785 advertising. Tracking is very important as you need to know what is most effective for your business, saving both money and time.

There are a 2 different ways you can trackrepparttar 124786 response:

1. An installed script -This is a special program, installed on your hosting to track both responses and sales.

Example of this type would be:

This full-featured script comes installed for you and has some excellent features, especially for those who are working with affiliate programs. It has a nice demo so you can see how it runs.

2. Third party services -This providerepparttar 124787 same process, normally at a monthly cost with no install required

Example of this type would be:


A very known and used tracker with some great tools. Which you can test drive at no cost

This is a full featured tracker and combined statistics program which also tracks keywords from search engines, actually sales from specific words on PPC search engines. And has a super easy setup program, which can putrepparttar 124788 links in all your pages in minutes.

Usingrepparttar 124789 method above you can also track how many visitors on your site click on different link text, creating better conversion from your visitors. You can use as many ofrepparttar 124790 redirects as you need, allowing you to compare real numbers.

The Internet being such a vast space, it's important, actually crucial to your success, to know which efforts you are using are bringingrepparttar 124791 best results.

(This article is available for reprint simply by addingrepparttar 124792 below Bio)

Paul Easton is the editor of Power Promotion Plus. Subscribe free to Power Promotion Plus and learn how to increase traffic on a budget. Sign up now and get your 3 gifts:

1.Free Meta Tag Software 2.Unofficial Pop Up Windows Crash Course and 3.Affiliate Marketing Plan Builder - A step by step guide to a successful affiliate marketing program. ------------------------------------------------------

Top 7 Ways To Promote Your Website, NOW

Written by Matt Colyer

Continued from page 1

4) Create a Ebook and passrepparttar word!

If you create a Ebook add your web site URL atrepparttar 124778 top ofrepparttar 124779 ebook, than give it away on your site and tell them to pass it on to their friends. You could ask other webmasters to offer it on their site and most ofrepparttar 124780 time (If it's related to their site) they will accept because it will add more content to their web site.

5) Extra! Extra, Read all about it!

Write a press release about your web site, business, an site/organization you’re sponsoring or something like that. Send it to your local newspapers, to magazines and online press release web sites. Make sure your URL is in it, I know, but so many people forget.

You can submit your online press release at

6) Surf for hits!

Really unless your site is not webmaster related it might not be useful. Surf for hits are really useful IF you have time to surf. Below is site that you can go to surf for traffic.

Go to

7) Write at forums!

Write in forums that are related to your site and put a link atrepparttar 124781 bottom of every time you post

Matt Colyer is the owner of the He also is a php, CGI and ASP developer.

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