How to get free traffic to your website

Written by Rebecca Gilbert

Continued from page 1

Maybe your new torepparttar Internet business and don't have enough experience to write about anything pertaining torepparttar 117187 Internet business. No problem there either. Everyone has some life experience that they can write about. Maybe you're a stay at home mom and your good at changing diapers. You better believe that there is a mother to be out there somewhere who is surfingrepparttar 117188 Internet looking for information on how to change diapers.

Now, your probably not going to be able to write an article about changing diapers and get it listed on a home business website. But there are plenty of websites that will accept an article of this nature and still drive traffic to your business site. I would suggest doing a search on your favorite search engine for "submit baby articles" or something of that nature. Be creative, you will never run out of websites willing to accept your article.

After I have completed my article, I will write a short autobiography about myself and include my website address in it. Notice how I have done this atrepparttar 117189 bottom of this article.

The Internet was created withrepparttar 117190 intention of providing information torepparttar 117191 public. Become an information provider and you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. Remember thatrepparttar 117192 Internet has created more millionaires than any other vessel in history.

Best wishes for your future success and prosperity!

Sincerely, Rebecca Gilbert

Rebecca Gilbert has been a successful entrepreneur since July, 2002. Visit her website for more tools and tips for running a successful Internet business.

A Passion For Success

Written by Uche Onyema

Continued from page 1

To succeed in internet marketing, or any other business for that matter, we must first turn our desires into passions that push us onto success and helps us persevere when things are difficult. Many people fail in business simply because they failed to persevere duringrepparttar hard times. Onrepparttar 117186 other hand rich and successful folks believe firmly inrepparttar 117187 sayings “There is only one way to fail and that is to quit” and “quitters never win, winners never quit”. They write down their goals and read them aloud daily until their dream becomes a strong desire, and thenrepparttar 117188 desire becomes a burning passion backed up by an unshakeable faith, so strong they can visualise their success long before they have achieved it and even before they have a plan for achieving it. They truly believe they will succeed and this is exactly what spurs them on to persevere until they strike gold.

Practice writing down your dreams and aspirations inrepparttar 117189 form of a mission statement and recite it aloud day and night until your desires becomes a burning passion. The human mind has a tendency to believerepparttar 117190 things it hears over and over again irrespective of how difficult or incredible it may sound. By reading aloud your desires and goals daily you will eventually convince yourself that you can and will achieve your dreams and there would be a burning passion within you that will not rest until you do so.

You will be amazed how your brain will come up with lots of intelligent ideas and plans for attaining your goals and your faith will become so strong that you will persevere no matter how difficult it may seem. Your mission statement should be clear and state exactly what you want to achieve, what date you want to achieve it by andrepparttar 117191 exact amount of money you want to be earning by that date. Avoid wishful words like “want” in your mission statement and use definite words like “will” instead. For example “I will achieve financial independence by 20 November 2005 and I will earn $5000 per month as an affiliate for ABC Corporation.”

It may take a few days or weeks to get used to reading your mission statement aloud, and you family may think you are crazy, but soon you will have turned your desires into a burning passion for success,repparttar 117192 kind seen in millionaires. And remember, when bright new ideas and plans start to flood your thoughts write them down and follow them through withrepparttar 117193 passion burning deep within you. This isrepparttar 117194 formula for success that so many have used to make fortunes. You too can dorepparttar 117195 same.

Uche Onyema publishes a home business newsletter dedicated to helping people earn a regular income online. If you are interested in the best home business opportunities, great tips, tricks and tools you can use today, grab a FREE subscription at:

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