How to fight the giants?

Written by John Crabtree

Continued from page 1
up after us. Let's face it, we learn from our mistakes and failures in business as well as life, we don't learn from success, except maybe to improve on what we know already works. As a self taught business person in a very competitive industry, my advice is to continue to learn. Do whatever research and reading available about winning inrepparttar internet business jungle, and be patient, unless you dump mucho dineros into your site, know this, you will only get out of your business site what you put into it. I guess it really comes down to how you look at internet business. We can make it better by keeping to ethical business values or allow it to be trashed up and in bad shape for our successors. Sound just like life, huh?

Owner and operator of Enoch Industrial Equipment, a used equipment marketing company. Twenty plus years in the construction/material handling industry.

Employer’s Quick Guide to Avoiding Sexual Harassment Liability

Written by Myron Curry

Continued from page 1

Periodically remind employees aboutrepparttar policy through memos, articles in employee newsletters, in employee meetings, or some other means that you regularly use for communication. Use posters aboutrepparttar 103823 policy and sexual harassment on employee bulletin boards; they should summarizerepparttar 103824 policy and state how to obtain further information.

Training. Training and retraining that explains sexual harassment and its impact onrepparttar 103825 workplace environment are essential for preventing harassment and should be provided on an ongoing basis.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1998 that whererepparttar 103826 employer has and communicates a proper policy forbidding sexual harassment and a reasonable procedure through which employees who believe they have been harassed can make complaints and have them investigated, an employee who believes he or she has been harassed must userepparttar 103827 employer’s procedure rather than filing a lawsuit. The purpose of sexual harassment law,repparttar 103828 court said, is not forrepparttar 103829 courts to intervene between employers and employees. Rather,repparttar 103830 purpose is to encourage employers to take steps to prevent sexual harassment and remedy it if occurs. That’s whyrepparttar 103831 stepsrepparttar 103832 employer takes to prevent and remedy it are crucial torepparttar 103833 question of liability.

In contrast to widespread misconceptions, sexual harassment is notrepparttar 103834 use of occasional off-color language, telling a few dirty jokes, complimenting a member ofrepparttar 103835 opposite sex on his or her appearance, a single incident of mildly inappropriate touching, or other behavior that might make some people uncomfortable or upset. The courts have generally held that everyone has to put up with a certain amount of behavior inrepparttar 103836 workplace that he or she finds unpleasant or even offensive. Sexual harassment is behavior that is so severe or so pervasive that it deprivesrepparttar 103837 victim ofrepparttar 103838 same opportunities for economic success that are enjoyed by someone who has not experienced such harassment.

This does not mean, however, that employers should ignore reports of behavior that is based on sex and is inappropriate, unprofessional, disrespectful, and/or offensive. It’s impossible to make black and white rules as to exactly when a line is crossed between merely offensive behavior and behavior that is so severe or pervasive it would interfere withrepparttar 103839 ability of any reasonable person to perform his or her job. For this reason, many experts suggest training that helps employees understand that certain behavior—whether it is technically sexual harassment or not—is high risk and inappropriate in any work-related setting.

Copyright 2004

Myron Curry is President and CEO of a leading provider of workforce and business development training programs designed exclusively for corporate deployment. Myron has over 20 years of successful management experience with leading fortune 500 companies and has written numerous articles about workforce management issues. You can contact Myron at: or visit his company's website

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