How to create lists in HTML and control the way they look

Written by Milana Leshinsky

Continued from page 1

Every Ordered list begins counting with "1" by default. Every time you create a list, it automatically display "1" asrepparttar first item. But what if you don't want a list to start with "1"? Is it possible for you to control what number it starts counting at?

Let's say you are explaining different features of a product on your web page. You listrepparttar 118043 first 3 features, but then would like to stop for a moment and talk a little more aboutrepparttar 118044 3rd feature. You have to endrepparttar 118045 list by usingrepparttar 118046 tag. Then you will addrepparttar 118047 extra explanation about it inrepparttar 118048 next 2-3 paragraphs.

Now, you want to continue with your list. Oops! But you already closed it. If you start a new list, it will automatically begin with "1" again. But you need it to start with "4", right?

Here is what you do:

  1. This item will be number 4
  2. The next one will be 5 and so on.

All I did was addrepparttar 118049 word "value" and gave it a number. That number will start your list, and allrepparttar 118050 following list items will be counted from there.

And here isrepparttar 118051 sprinkles onrepparttar 118052 frosting. And this will REALLY blow you off!

In an Unordered list bullets look different in each browser. If you would like to have control over how bullets look on your web site, you can specify their type (options are - square, circle, and disc):

  • This item has a black circle bullet
  • The next one has empty circle as a bullet
  • The last one looks like a square

So there you have it. Three types of lists that you can mix, match, combine and completely control with enough practice and experimentation. Use them often. Especially when you have long web pages filled with text. Be easy on your readers' eyes and they will be more likely to read what you have to say.

Milana Leshinsky is the author of web design manuals for new and intermediate level webmasters. Her latest e-book "Mesmerizing Website Power" includes 65 web design tutorials, and a special report on how to design and lay out your web site to sell more of your products, "Web Design Psychology & Asthetics". Check it out at:

Showing and Hiding HTML elements using Layers

Written by Amrit Hallan

Continued from page 1

.Bring Your Cursor Here and See The Image .

After this comesrepparttar quintessential JavaScript that actually performsrepparttar 118042 act. In between I've inserted comments usingrepparttar 118043 way they are used in JavaScript, that is, using //.


So this is how it works!

Amrit Hallan is a freelance web designer. For all web site development and web promotion needs, you can get in touch with him at For more such articles, visit and You can subscribe to his newsletter [BYTESWORTH REACHOUT] on Web Designing Tips & Tricks by sending a blank email at

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