How to buy from hidden liquidation departments , become a "Jobber" Part 1Written by Jason James
Continued from page 1 jobbers at this time. Ask department manager, if there are any loads that no jobbers will take. (In most cases there are!) You may have to take 1 load of worthless product, you would need to dispose of, but you will then be signed up for program All paperwork needed to become a jobber would need to be filled out at which point you are now a jobber for them. The company will appreciate you moving product that no one else would. I have used this technique in past to access many liquidation departments, even after company stated they had all buyers they needed at current time.After you receive application from retail center and fill out contract be sure to review all there terms and conditions Remember when you buy loads of product in this manner it is AS Is, Where Is, with no returns or claims to working order. You are allowed to buy these at 10% or less than wholesale. You want to make it easy for centers to deal with you, as this may lead to other liquidation opportunities down road. Make money on Ebay Via Jobbers Part 2 coming Soon!

Jason James is a 10 year Internet marketing veteran and an eBay Power Seller of 4 years. His website "The Auction Resource Network" reveals his inside secrets, tips, and sources that help him pocket over $10,000 per month on eBay. Claim your FREE 14 Day "Learn How to Sell on eBay" e-Course Here:
| | How to buy from the hidden liquidation departments, become a "Jobber" Part 2Written by Jason James
Continued from page 1
On any large items furniture desks etc I have had great success listing those in local classifieds and have made a good profit. You want to move product as fast as you can so you can buy another load. Any name brand or high quality items in your truckload you want to put up for sale on ebay immediately You may also contact any local auctioneers in you city check local paper they will have listings every Sunday. Ask if you could bring some of your product to review This process can be very profitable - especially if you have a local auction house with weekly auctions that you can contact with to sell items that are too big for eBay to ship. Make Money on Ebay Use this simple step by step process

Jason James is a 10 year Internet marketing veteran and an eBay Power Seller of 4 years. His website "The Auction Resource Network" reveals his inside secrets, tips, and sources that help him pocket over $10,000 per month on eBay. Claim your FREE 14 Day "Learn How to Sell on eBay" e-Course Here: