"How to Use the Power of Words to Your Benefit" - Part II

Written by Colin Dunbar

Continued from page 1

Similar to this exercise, we can use words inrepparttar pursuit of our goals. One ofrepparttar 123367 first instructions we are given byrepparttar 123368 motivational masters is write down our goal. But, what many of them forget to tell us, is how we should use this written goal. Some say we should read it at least once a day, or that we should place it where we will see it regularly.

Use your written goal with spaced repetition, and success is practically guaranteed.

I read somewhere that Anthony Robbins says more than halfrepparttar 123369 people who buy his material, do not even open it! What an absolute waste. Having such valuable material in your hands, and then not even opening it, not to mention not using it.

It is a known fact that affirmations (auto-suggestion, self-suggestion) have produced incredible results by persons who use this technique. All that this is, is repeating something to yourself spaced over a period of time.

Using words with spaced repetition has an awesome power, whether it is to motivate us, encourage us, or help us reach our goal.

----------------------- Make it your goal to... Choose a quote, write (or type) it out, and make it your affirmation. Try this for 21 days and see what happens. It must be 21 days though, and don't skip a day.


This article is available at www.colindunbar.com -repparttar 123370 site with everything positive. http://www.colindunbar.com/biggest_fallacy.html You may use this article in your newsletter or on your web site, as long as this resource box in included in full.

Colin is a technical writer, with a passion for goal setting, self motivation and entrepreneurship. He has written the book, "Invest In Yourself: How Passion and Persistence Leads to Success"

The Biggest Fallacy in the World

Written by Colin Dunbar

Continued from page 1

Onrepparttar other side ofrepparttar 123366 coin (no pun intended), a person can indulge in a business venture, and this way make money. Or lose it!

Whichever route is taken, it isrepparttar 123367 intelligence ofrepparttar 123368 PERSON that either makes money, or makes more money. This isrepparttar 123369 way it has always worked, and always will.

Even inrepparttar 123370 event where someone has a big windfall, like winningrepparttar 123371 lottery, this money can be squandered, or made to multiply. Whichever it is, it is up torepparttar 123372 person, to either invest wisely, or to spend endlessly. The history books are full of tales where enormous fortunes were won, and then lost.

Therefore, if it is your goal to make money, don't fall intorepparttar 123373 trap of believing that "money makes money"; it is a lifeless object, that cannot possible multiply withoutrepparttar 123374 intelligence of a human being. Rather, make it your goal to learn about money, and how to invest and use it to multiply.


This article is available at www.colindunbar.com -repparttar 123375 site with everything positive. http://www.colindunbar.com/biggest_fallacy.html You may use this article in your newsletter or on your web site, as long as this resource box in included in full.

Colin is a technical writer, with a passion for goal setting, self motivation and entrepreneurship. He has written the book, "Invest In Yourself: How Passion and Persistence Leads to Success"

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