How to Turn an Idea into $100,000

Written by Kathleen Gage

Continued from page 1

To me they are as much of a benefit torepparttar growth of my business as those who serve as a model. I was able to look at them and see what I didn’t want. I could also see that in many cases they wanted instant success withoutrepparttar 120074 effort.

One ofrepparttar 120075 greatest lessons I have learned from my mentors is to explore ideas I get. Not just explore, but have a plan of action and a systematic approach to implementingrepparttar 120076 idea. And to trust my instinct. And be willing to take risks. It has been said, “With risk comes reward.”

Granted, not all my ideas have been wildly successful. As a matter of fact, some downright “failed.” And yet, out of every failure wasrepparttar 120077 seed to another idea that heldrepparttar 120078 possibility of success.

Regardless ofrepparttar 120079 type of business you are in, you can achieve a high level of success. It’s a matter of your level of commitment and having a vision of what you want to achieve.

Such wasrepparttar 120080 case with an idea I came up with a little over a year ago. Although I had some of those “warning” folks tell me it could never work, I chose to listen to those who have been successful in idea implementation and explore whererepparttar 120081 idea could take me. Thank goodness I followed my instinct and implementedrepparttar 120082 idea. That one idea has made me over $100,000.

The really amazing thing is that out of that one idea have come others. An offshoot idea is a FR*EE report in which I outline step-by-step whatrepparttar 120083 idea was and how it generatedrepparttar 120084 revenues.

If you would like to get your own copy of my report entitled, “Learn How One Salt Lake City Based Business Consultant Made Over 100k from One Idea” go to to receive it. If learning how a home based business owner did this is not important then don’t. Either way,repparttar 120085 choice is yours.

And isn’t that what life is about, choice?

Kathleen Gage is a business advisor, keynote speaker and trainer who helps others gain dominance and visibility within their market. She is the recipient of the 2004 Giant Step Award for Business of the Year in the State of Utah. Visit

Maslow's Marketing Filter

Written by Darrin F. Coe, MA

Continued from page 1

5. Will personal fitness training have an impact on my personal sense of fulfillment?

I understand that most consumers, will ask themselves these types of questions without really thinking about them. The answers you develop as you purposely ask yourselves these types of questions will give you insight inrepparttar processes a consumer may consider or be susceptible to as they are considering purchasing personal fitness training services.

This process will also help you define ways to market that will get consumers to consider your personal fitness training service if they are not. Using Maslow’s needs pyramid helps you target your marketing. It isrepparttar 120073 foundation of :

Getting Attention Developing Interest Creating Desire Facilitating Commitment Motivating to Action

If you can use Maslow’s needs pyramid to get insiderepparttar 120074 head ofrepparttar 120075 consumer by running it through a filter of questions likerepparttar 120076 one’s I’ve presented above you’ll have a tangible marketing advantage because you now can respond to your consumer’s internal dialogue.

Using this type of filtering process can also help you create need in those that have not yet developed an interest in your product or service. Simply put yourself inrepparttar 120077 consumer’s place and present you’re marketing to them in such a way as to answer or resolve each need inrepparttar 120078 hierarchy.

Maslow’s needs pyramid is a powerful tool that is taught to every marketing and advertising student inrepparttar 120079 world but it must be understood and applied if it’s to actually be useful. Try using Maslow’s marketing filterrepparttar 120080 next time you are considering a marketing campaign. It’ll help you get a better grip on whatrepparttar 120081 consumer is thinking and feeling.

Darrin F. Coe, MA is a mental health clinician, weekly columnist, wealth building advocate, and author of “Micro Loans: Finance Your Dreams” available at For more great business and marketing information you can sign up forrepparttar 120082 “Darrin Coe Ezine” at

Darrin F. Coe, MA is a mental health professinal, weekly columnist, wealth building advocate, and author of "micro loans: finance your dreams" available at subscribe to his ezine at

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