How to Tell What They Really Meant

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

Continued from page 1

So how do we quit imagining and figure out whatrepparttar nonverbal message meant? It takes practice. You begin with self-awareness – noticing your own nonverbal reactions. Start paying attention torepparttar 126120 things YOU do inrepparttar 126121 course of communicating. Notice when you move, when you change your facial expression, what you do with yours hands. Then hook it up with what was going on, to explain why you do these things.

Next, start observing more in others. Facial expressions and gestures can be tricky, especially if you’re in a multicultural situation. A sign of peace in one country is a gross obscenity in another. Some cultures are more facially expressive than others. A smile can mean “I agree” in one country, while in another country, direct disagreeing isn’t permitted, so a smile is just a convention.

You can study nonverbal expressions through photographs by accessing some ofrepparttar 126122 sites onrepparttar 126123 Internet.

Then start asking more questions when it’s appropriate. And it may always be appropriate as far as that goes. As my friend said … we imagine. Nobody likes to feel like you’re “mind-reading,” andrepparttar 126124 more importantrepparttar 126125 conversation,repparttar 126126 more important that you check out what you thinkrepparttar 126127 other person meant, or said, or implied. When we assume, we can get into trouble.

In fact you should check in from time-to-time just to see if they’re still paying attention. For instance someone who interviews people all day long tends to tune out if you talk more than 90 seconds.

Interjecting things such as “Was that what you had in mind?” or “Am I addressingrepparttar 126128 point in a way that’s helpful?” can bringrepparttar 126129 other person back. Your reading of nonverbal communication will tell you they’ve left when their eyes glaze over.

If you see a shift inrepparttar 126130 nonverbal that concerns you, note it, think about it, and then respond appropriately. It’s important to observe what’s going on inrepparttar 126131 other so you can keeprepparttar 126132 conversation on course. It’s part of Emotional Intelligence, social skills and good manners.

For instance, one person may want to hear allrepparttar 126133 details of your surgery, while it may be too much for another. You may need to vent your spleen about your ex-spouse or your boss, butrepparttar 126134 listener may find it too intense and become uncomfortable. If you’re getting “warding off” signals, back off.

In negotiations and sales, you must be alert to changes that can signal you’re usingrepparttar 126135 wrong approach so that you can reorient and try something different.

Being able to read nonverbal communication effectively is important to your social and professional relationships. It will affect your ability to be intimate, to sustain friendships, to influence people, and to succeed in your career.

©Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach, . Coaching, Internet courses and ebooks around Emotional Intelligence for your personal and professional development. For free EQ ezine, with “ezine” for subject line.

Senoi Dream Theory

Written by Gary R. Hess

Continued from page 1

The Senoi Dream Theory was first taken seriously duringrepparttar Dream Movement ofrepparttar 126119 1950s and 60s where psychologists aroundrepparttar 126120 world began learning more about our dreams and how they occur. Althoughrepparttar 126121 discovery ofrepparttar 126122 Senoi Dream Theory was just an accident in a laboratory while studying Rapid Eye Movement (REM) it became a big part ofrepparttar 126123 Dream Movement.

If you wish to learn more aboutrepparttar 126124 Senoi Dream Theory you may find information in here: Domhoff: "Senoi Dream Theory"

Gary is a writer for Love and Break Up Poems

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