How to Succeed with Yahoo!

Written by Ed Burnett

Continued from page 1

3. After you have determined that your site is indeed not listed inrepparttar Yahoo directory and you have designed your site to comply with their requirements, you will need to find an appropriate category to list your site. Take your time and explore all ofrepparttar 128206 different categories and sub-categories ofrepparttar 128207 index. This is very important, because if you submit torepparttar 128208 wrong category your site will be rejected. Atrepparttar 128209 very bottom ofrepparttar 128210 page (and sometimes also atrepparttar 128211 top), there will be a ‘Suggest a Site’ link. If there is no such link, then you are probably viewing a category that does not allow submissions. After clicking this link, you will be brought torepparttar 128212 Suggest a Site page, or directly torepparttar 128213 Business Express page if you are submitting to a Business category.

4. Be sure to carefully review all of their suggestions on site submissions before proceeding. You will be prompted for, among other things, your site's Title, URL, and Description. Carefully fill these out, double-checking your information for accuracy. Take some time with your description and remember to include crucial keywords related to your services or products. Give some thought as to how a Yahoo editor might edit it down. Try to word your description so that it is as concise as possible, and therefore hard to make smaller.

After you have filled out all of your information and submitted your payment (if using Business Express), keep your fingers crossed and patiently wait for their answer. It’s true that you risk loosing $199, but Yahoo is simply too important to pass up. Following these suggestions will greatly improve your chances of getting accepted intorepparttar 128214 Yahoo! directory.

Ed Burnett is owner of Diginetic Technologies, a computer retailer and web design solutions company. Diginetic builds custom, made-to-order PC’s and sells a wide selection of computer laptops, accessories, and components. Visit our online store at:

Pay For Position Search Engines: A Source for Inexpensive, Targeted Traffic

Written by Simon J. Marcantonio

Continued from page 1

==> Getting The Most From Pay For Position Search Engines

Forrepparttar business owner with a very large advertising budget, may berepparttar 128205 only search engine with whom you need to be listed. Results from Goto now partially power sites such as AltaVista and an array of metasearch engines. However, if your budget is more modest, thenrepparttar 128206 widely accepted solution is to list on as many pay for position search engines as possible, and to place low bids for as many keywords as possible. As with all vibrant markets, increased competition is providing an increasing choice forrepparttar 128207 Internet business owner.

==> Client Interfaces

All ofrepparttar 128208 top pay for position engines provide dedicated Web interfaces so that clients can control their listings easily. These interfaces are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week allowing fast updates to titles, descriptions and bid amounts as well as allowing clients to add new sites as desired.

Most pay for position engines allowrepparttar 128209 creation of client accounts before payment is required -- giving yourepparttar 128210 opportunity to evaluaterepparttar 128211 ease of use of each particular system.

==> Changing Times

Inrepparttar 128212 search engine world, thousands of spammers have forcedrepparttar 128213 big search engines into implementing strict listing policies, often atrepparttar 128214 expense of legitimate Websites seeking a decent search engine ranking. Pay for position is helping to levelrepparttar 128215 field. Most spammers will not pay for a listing, as a consequence, pay for position search engines are populated by legitimate businesses and entrepreneurs seeking to advertise to their desired markets.

With a pay for position search engine, there is no longer any need to compete with spammers and homepages for top rankings.

The new rules are: * YOU choose your title * YOU choose your description * YOU choose where you are ranked

It's a simple philosophy prevalent inrepparttar 128216 offline business world -- and one that is now available to online businesses, as well.

More information can be found at:

Simon J. Marcantonio, a Director and founder of the UKSprite search engine at

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