How to Stay Positive... Avoid Negative People

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Continued from page 1

Apparently there was still a problem so Lance decided to contactrepparttar woman himself. Here'srepparttar 103461 rest ofrepparttar 103462 story…

"I asked if she had receivedrepparttar 103463 correct book and she had. So I asked, "what'srepparttar 103464 problem?". Her response was predictable. She said she was worried that she wouldn't receive her book and that she had been ripped off before and was suspicious of us. She had decided that we would pay for everybody else's sins. I explained, "You were sent a $60 book instead of a $30 book, so you were in front".

She replied, "What am I going to do with a book on investment? You have to have money to invest inrepparttar 103465 first place!" It was a reply that said it all. Unfortunately, this woman was a stereotype, I have met or spoken to people like her many times. They are often middle-aged, cranky withrepparttar 103466 world, broke and to cap it all off, have a closed mind. Why? Well, it's a bit of a mystery to me.

This woman was obviously upset that she had not money, but because of her closed mind, she didn't want to learn about investing or investments. I thought "What makes people like her tick?" My conclusion was …"negativity".

Being negative and feeling sorry for yourself is a good way ofremaining poor. The one thing I have noticed about wealthy and successful people is that they have exactlyrepparttar 103467 opposite attitude to this woman. They are happy, positive, think laterally, never accept failure, have great determination and an insatiable appetite for information.

These people were like this before they became wealthy. They have become wealthy because of their attitude and their approach to life. You become wealthy because you think like a winner. You won't make it financially unless you have a positive attitude!

The Final Word

Working on your own self development isrepparttar 103468 best investment you could ever make. It needs to be continuous. I often hear people say, I did all that stuff years ago or (and I just love this one) I’m too busy!

Self development is not something you can gain in one course or one year, it is a continual journey. Stifle your growth, you'll stifle your life. However if you keep growing, you'll expand your horizons and withrepparttar 103469 knowledge you gain about yourself you can only be a better person.

Lorraine Pirihi is Australia's Personal Productivity Specialist and Leading Life Coach. Her business The Office Organiser specialises in showing small business owners and managers, how to get organised at work so they can have a life! Lorraine is also a dynamic speaker and has produced many products including "How to Survive and Thrive at Work!"

To subscribe to her free ezine visit

6 Surefire Ways to Achieve Your Goals for 2005

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Continued from page 1

Avoidrepparttar 'Too Much Too Soon' Syndrome Often people try making many changes at once then get disillusioned because there are too many things to do and just give up. If you've done this inrepparttar 103460 past, tackle one goal at a time. If you really have difficulty going it alone, you may benefit from usingrepparttar 103461 services of a coach like myself who will keep you on track. The right person will help you accelerate your success.

Jenny's Story One of my clients was extremely overweight by at least 30 kilos. Apart from her business goals, losingrepparttar 103462 weight was her highest priority …or so she said. We looked at her diet and exercise and worked out a plan, according to what she was committed to do. Notice here I've said committed. Overrepparttar 103463 three months I worked with Jenny she was like most people in this area…inconsistent. She'd exercise regularly and eat healthily for a couple of weeks and then make excuses as to why she couldn't or wouldn't stick torepparttar 103464 plan.

There was no reason why she couldn't achieve her weight loss goal, after allrepparttar 103465 program we worked out together was easy to do. A few changes to her eating habits, regular exercise and planning would dorepparttar 103466 trick. The only challenge was Jenny. She wouldn't consistently do it. It all boiled down to that she wasn't serious enough about losingrepparttar 103467 weight and was not prepared to makerepparttar 103468 changes…yet. I did suggest seeing a nutritionist or making contact with a specific weight loss organisation to provide her with continuing support. However, Jenny was adamant that she could manage herself.

After three months of coaching, Jenny lost 5 kilos. It was certainly better than nothing, however she could have lost much more if only she tookrepparttar 103469 necessary action, consistently.

A few weeks later I rang Jenny to see how she was progressing withrepparttar 103470 various changes she had made through coaching. She excitedly told me she had finally got her act together as a result ofrepparttar 103471 progress she had made with me, joined Weightwatchers and lost another 20kgs! She got committed.

Dare to Fail In Billi Lim's bestselling book "Dare to Fail" he sharesrepparttar 103472 following story:

A woman once walked up to a little old man rocking in a chair on his porch.

"I couldn't help noticing how happy you look", she said. "What'srepparttar 103473 secret for a long happy life?'

"I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day', he said. "I also drink a case of whisky a week, eat fatty foods and never exercise."

"That's amazing,repparttar 103474 woman said. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-six", he said.

The Final Word You too can achieve your 2005 goals if you really want to. The goals you set must fit in with your values. For instance if you really value your health and well-being (and you should…you're no good to anyone if you're sick or even worse…dead,) then it will be easier for you to take action around this area.

Plan and get off your butt now because it won't be long until you hear that familiar cry "I'm too busy, I don't haverepparttar 103475 time!"

Lorraine Pirihi is Australia's Personal Productivity Specialist and Leading Life Coach. Her business The Office Organiser specialises in showing small business owners and managers, how to get organised at work so they can have a life! Lorraine is also a dynamic speaker and has produced many products including "How to Survive and Thrive at Work!"

To subscribe to her free ezine visit

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