Continued from page 1
Go Wake up Lucille! And tell her to wake up
kids, too! Put
cat out on
porch! Get George out of
bathroom! He's gonna want to hear this too...
I just gave you your very own Home Grown Internet Biz step- by-step business plan! Follow
above list and you will have all
success you want. That's a promise. But only if you do it.
Is it going to take you awhile? Well sure. You don't plant corn today and eat corn on
cob next week...Unless you buy it from your grocery. But
more time you work
sooner you'll make it. Just common sense.
Yeah, Yeah. I know what's going through your greedy little mind. OK, edward thorpe/The Laziest Dude on The Internet, so where do I grab all that free training?
Well, I'd be doing you dirty if I told you. It's like this. Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
But I will point you in
right direction. Going in this direction will teach you gobs in its own right.
Go to
search engines and do keyword searches for
above list. (I like Then just follow
trail. Become a sleuth. You'll have fun. And you will learn a great deal in
If you don't have time to learn everything right away, no problem. You don't have to wait to eat your corn on
cob. And you don't have to wait until you learn everything for yourself, either. At least not at first. But you'll want to learn
But if you're ready to go now, great. You can buy most of what you need.
Yes, You can buy ready made professionally designed websites. They can have
tools you'll need already installed and ready for you to use. Some of these sites will even let you sell for them.
There you go. An Instant Home Grown Internet Biz for you.
For example, I sell very affordable websites that come with just about everything you'll need to get started pronto. And you can even buy with a low monthly payment.
You can get your site and become an affiliate and let your site pay it's own way. IF you've got
hankering to get started fast.
Otherwise, follow
list above. Either way you choose to go...
OK. Times up. Which position would you rather your Home Grown Internet Biz be in?
The boozing bride -or-
bridegroom's Mom?
Nope, it's not a trick question. Trust yourself.
Yahooooo! Git along you internet cowboys and girls!
Edward Thorpe, The Laziest Dude on the Internet, publishes The Home Grown Biz Advocate. Smart, funny and candid Home Biz Opp selling tips, tricks & free help. Get yours at