How to Spice up Your Ezines with Zero Cost!

Written by Jaruda Boonsuwan

Continued from page 1

"We can do anything we want as long as we stick to it long enough." -- Helen Keller

"It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared." -- Whitney Young, Jr.

"People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves, they haverepparttar first secret of success." -- Norman Vincent Peale

"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it." -- William Durant

"Go for it now. The future is promised to no one." -- Wayne Dyer

"We all have ability. The difference is how we use it." --Stevie Wonder

"It's simply a matter of doing what you do best and not worrying about whatrepparttar 125025 other fellow is going to do." -- John R. Amos

"If at first you don't succeed; you are running about average." -- M. H. Alderson

Don't you just love nice quotes? It's a technique that will help you get closer torepparttar 125026 emotional side of your prospects. Userepparttar 125027 above quotes to add a little spice in your emails. Or go findrepparttar 125028 ones you really like.

Don't worry. You don't have to dorepparttar 125029 searching...I've searchedrepparttar 125030 Internet upside down just to get beautiful inspirational quotes for you!

Andrepparttar 125031 biggest library of great inspirational quotes I found is at

It's FREE!

P.S. Remember that you too can be a helping hand to motivate other people when they are so tired and are about to quit fighting for their dreams!

The author, Jaruda Boonsuwan, is offering one-of-its-kind e-course -- at NO charge. She reveals NUMBER ONE deadly-effective secrets to creating killer sales copies at

When the Clock Strikes Twelve!

Written by Jaruda Boonsuwan

Continued from page 1

Now that they know you always keep your words, they'll keep in mind not to letrepparttar next opportunity slip away. Next time they won't wait for another second to buy from you!

What I have for you here is a groundbreaking idea for your deadline marketing...

Instead of saying,

"If you don't delay and order now, you'll get 50% off. The original price is $100, but order now and you pay only $50. Order before midnight and you'll get this special price. Remember if you order after midnight, expect to pay $100!"


"Take an unfair advantage of our online marketing test. For 7 days only, our company decides to slash 50% offrepparttar 125024 original price in order to see whether pricing affects sales. In our doing so, you arerepparttar 125025 one who gains! During our marketing test, don't pay us $100. Keep $50 to yourself now!"

Seerepparttar 125026 difference? Feelrepparttar 125027 impact?

If you decide to userepparttar 125028 deadline marketing, don't forget to make it right and makerepparttar 125029 most out of it.

Apart from writing a HARD-TO-SAY-NO deadline, here isrepparttar 125030 "one-of-a-kind" tool to accelerate your prospects' buying decision....

Go get yourself a dynamic countdown javascript and put it on your site...

It's FREE! And it works like miracle. Believe it or not? People tend to feelrepparttar 125031 rush to act when they seerepparttar 125032 clock ticking!

P.S. Be different. You can still offerrepparttar 125033 deadlines, but make sure you take a different approach!

The author, Jaruda Boonsuwan, is offering one-of-its-kind e-course -- at NO charge. She reveals NUMBER ONE deadly-effective secrets to creating killer sales copies at

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