How to Sell Your House By Lease Options

Written by Caterina Christakos

Continued from page 1

Q How long does it take before your tenant/buyer cashes me out?

A That depends on a number of different factors. Many people with less than perfect credit can rebuild their credit and receive a mortgage from a mortgage broker within 6 consecutive payments.

Q Why don’t I just sellrepparttar house myself? If you have little or no equity in your home, it will not be considered a good investment by most buyers.

Q What if my tenant/buyer doesn’t buyrepparttar 112649 house? A It is important to pre-screen buyers to make sure that they want to buyrepparttar 112650 house and are able to buy it at some point inrepparttar 112651 future. However, circumstances can change in someone’s life, such as an unexpected job transfer, that make it necessary to move. In situations like that, a new tenant buyer would have to be found.

Caterina Christakos is an independent real estate investor and facilitator. For more information or help setting up your lease options and screening buyers email Caterina at

7 Cost Cutting Tips

Written by Kara Kelso

Continued from page 1

5. Buyrepparttar "cheap" brands

Mostrepparttar 112648 timerepparttar 112649 cheap brand is just as good asrepparttar 112650 name brand, minusrepparttar 112651 fancy lable of course. If you are buyingrepparttar 112652 cheap brand for an ingredient in a home cooked meal, I doubt you or your family can tellrepparttar 112653 difference.

6. Reusing SOS pads

A very small cost, but a way to cut it allrepparttar 112654 same. Instead of just using that SOS pad once and throwing it away, use it several times. Be sure to put it back inrepparttar 112655 box withrepparttar 112656 rest ofrepparttar 112657 unused pads so that it keeps.

7. Limit shopping to once a week

We all knowrepparttar 112658 importance of shopping lists, so be sure that you have everything on your list. This includes all ingredients that you need for meals in that week. Limiting your shopping trips will help not only onrepparttar 112659 costs for gas, but also on impulse buying costs.

There are many, many more ways to cut your costs, but I hope that these few simple ones will have a possitive impact on your budget!

Kara Kelso is the owner of Mom's Market, which is an online mall where shoppers can support mothers by purchasing products and services from a mom-run business. Visit:

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