How to Renew Your Passport

Written by William Manor

Continued from page 1

3. Two identical passport photos.

The two photos must be 2 x 2 inches, identical, taken withinrepparttar last 6 months. The photos must show a full face, front view with a plain white or off-white background.

You should dress in normal street attire. Uniforms, except for religious retire that is worn daily, hats, headgear and dark glasses are not acceptable. Prescription glasses with clear lenses are.

4. Applicable fee.

The fee to renew your passport is $67. Payments should be made out to U.S. Department of State.

If your name has changed, include a certified copy ofrepparttar 133788 legal document specifying your name change (e.g. marriage certificate, divorce decreee, adoption cdreee, or court order).

Gather allrepparttar 133789 appropriate documents and place them in a padded envelope. Send it torepparttar 133790 address below:

National Passport Center

P.O. Box 371971

Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7971

If everything goes well, your application should be processed and your renewed passport sent to you within about 6 weeks.

William Manor of U.S. Passport Service Guide reviews private travel document expediters and provides comprehensive passport, visa and destination information for international travelers.

The 9 Ways of Emigrating to Australia

Written by Gordon Goodfellow

Continued from page 1

6. Visitors and tourists. All travellers, except New Zealand citizens, must obtain a visa or travel authority before they travel to Australia. But now there is no need to worry about visitingrepparttar Australian Embassy or High Commission to get your visa. You can now get your visa online. If you are planning to travel to Australia as a visitor or even on a business trip then you may need either a visa or an ETA (Electronic Travel Authority). An ETA will allow you to spend up to 3 months in Australia and you are free to travel anywhere you like.Find out whether you meetrepparttar 133787 criteria by taking a free online visa assessment. Withrepparttar 133788 introduction ofrepparttar 133789 ETA you are able to apply online; there is no need to even leave your desk or home.

7. Business and investment visas. If you have had a successful business career either at a senior executive level or as an owner of your own business you may qualify for one of several visas underrepparttar 133790 Australian business visa program. Underrepparttar 133791 two-stage arrangements introduced on 1 March 2003, business migrants are granted a Business Skills (Provisional) visa for four years and, after establishingrepparttar 133792 requisite level of business presence required byrepparttar 133793 DIMIA or maintaining their minimum investment, are eligible to make an application for a Business Skills (Residence) visa. There are 4 schemes available under which a business applicant may emigrate to Australia. Chooserepparttar 133794 one that best describes you by taking a free online assessment.

8. If you are an employee who is head-hunted or moved to your company's Australia office then you can apply underrepparttar 133795 Australia sponsored work visa. Your employer can effectively sponsor you for this by becoming your Australia Immigration Sponsor. Under this system, if you are an established professional, you can emigrate to Australia without a degree.

9. Retirement visas. If you wish to emigrate to Australia on retirement then you may be eligible for an Asyralia retirement visa given each year. If you are financially secure and would like to spend some of your retirement years inrepparttar 133796 warmer climates of Australia, find out if you qualify with our free online assessment. Under this system retired people may also choose to work part time if they so wish, so there is a degree of built-in flexibility.

There has never been a better time to emigrate to Australia or to apply for an Autralia Work Permit or Australia visa application. Reviewrepparttar 133797 above points and see which approach you are best suited to.

Gordon Goodfellow is webmaster for Australia-Immigration and lives and Works in London, UK where he advises, amongst other things, on emigration issues.

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