How to Read A Person Like A Book

Written by Oscar Bruce

Continued from page 1

PREPERATION MUST PRECEED OPPORTUNITY Consider how many great opportunities are lost by what I call "semantic sabotage". If you've ever found yourself stumbling over your words, or simply not knowing what to say next you've experienced "the dialog dilemma." Also if you've uttered a statement, then realized that it wasn't exactly what you meant to say. These are all curable maladies.

I 'LL BET YOUR'VE NEVER HAD THIS EXPERIENCE... Someone introduces themselves to you. Then you tell them your name. Suddenly you realize you can not recall their name. Why does this happen so often? Simple, you didn't forget their name - you never really heard it inrepparttar first place! You still had yourself inrepparttar 119764 middle ofrepparttar 119765 picture.

Most people do not listen withrepparttar 119766 intent to understand - they listen withrepparttar 119767 intent to reply or impress. This is never successful becauserepparttar 119768 mind does not have simultaneous capability. Therefore, if you are contemplating your next statement, you are not focusing on his words, tones and actions.

In order to read a person like a book, you must get them to open up, get them talking. Getting people to open up is a skill that you can learn.

A skilled conversationalist uses specific question in three different categories. (1) Conversation starters. (2) Personal questions. (3) Philosophical questions. Once you've mastered a small inventory of optional questions you can switch categories to controlrepparttar 119769 outcome.

QUESTIONS ARE THE KEY TO KNOWLEDGE and source of power. He who does not askrepparttar 119770 right questions always hearsrepparttar 119771 wrong answers. An unclear question has an infinite number of answers.

Many say that information isrepparttar 119772 path to power. The wealthiest people will tell you that it's their ability to make wise choices in dealing with people is their greatest asset. And that when they did make mistakes, it was often disastrous for them socially and financially.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Oscar Bruce is consideredrepparttar 119773 ultimate personal communications guru. His dynamic books are field manuals for mastering conversation and confrontations. His website offers several verbal strategies that can add power to your conversations at no cost. HIS FREE NEWSLETTER, "Talk Tips" is available at


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Oscar Bruce is considered the ultimate personal communications guru. His dynamic books are field manuals for mastering conversation and confrontations. His website offers several verbal strategies that can add power to your conversations at no cost. HIS FREE NEWSLETTER, "Talk Tips" is available at

Satellite TV, Google, and a Stamp

Written by Nick Smith

Continued from page 1
ad and clicks on it, you pay Google 10 cents, or however much you are bidding. The top spot usually goes torepparttar highest bidder. That means that in as little as 20 minutes, your online TV equipment store could appear atrepparttar 119763 top ofrepparttar 119764 list when someone searches for “Satellite TV” in Yahoo. This is a cost-effective method that has been proven inrepparttar 119765 past to drive targeted traffic to Websites.

Everybody loves getting a letter.

Even inrepparttar 119766 day and age of satellite TV and radio, cell phones small than credit cards, and truckloads of information traveling throughrepparttar 119767 Internet each day, you should not discountrepparttar 119768 effectiveness of mailing a postcard or advertisement through “Snail Mail.” Compared torepparttar 119769 targeted advertising of pay-per-click and search engine optimization, mailings may seem like a waste of money and time. But besides potential clients and customers you may acquire fromrepparttar 119770 postcards, you also receive intangible benefits that are worth considering. A professional advertisement will do wonders in increasing your name recognition ofrepparttar 119771 community among which you intend to do business. Name recognition is important for viral marketing techniques which rely heavily on word-of-mouth. This method is perhaps most effective for those home businesses that work within a limited geographic area.

So, do you want to go out this Friday?

Consider establishing working partnerships with complementary small businesses like yourself. If you sell picture frames, get together with a local photographer and create an alliance that both of you can benefit from. Even something as simple as putting each other’s business cards in an accessible place can help create business for you that you don’t already have.

Owning a home or small business is hard – making your home business succeed demands even more of you. The market favors proactive business owners who know who their target customers are and who do what it takes to bring them in. Using a hybrid marketing approach of new and old techniques can allow you to reach customers just waiting to do business with you.

Nick Smith is a client account specialist with 10x Marketing – More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. For information about ordering satellite TV, visit I-Satellite.

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