How to Raise Creative Kids

Written by Susan Stump

Continued from page 1

Keep ideas fresh. Pick up any parenting magazine and you’ll find lots of ideas to get those creative juices flowing in your kids. Searchrepparttar web and check out craft stores. Keep a journal or file for magazine clippings and ideas as you find them. Stockpile so that you’ll know how to answerrepparttar 111046 whiny “I’m bored” call from your kids.

Give them freedom. Once you’ve given your kids some suggestions and supplies, step back and see which they choose and where they go with them. This unstructured play time gives kids an opportunity to stretch their creative muscles. Watch as they incorporate your ideas and branch out on their own.

Set an example. Chances are, if you are a creative person, your child will be too. You display creativity in your everyday activities like when you reason with a disgruntled child, change lyrics to songs, and maybe even do some interpretive dancing to entertain a toddler. Your children see your silliness and it rubs off on them. You surely use creativity to juggle your and your family’s schedules. It’s a great idea to point out to your kids how you use creativity in your daily life.

As parents, we always try to dorepparttar 111047 very best for our kids and provide opportunities that will help them mature into intelligent, capable adults. Nurturing their creative spirits helps them along this road. With their well-developed imaginations, maybe they’ll turn it into a yellow brick, pink polka-dotted road with sparkles!

Susan Stump is the mother of two children and the owner of ChildCrafter, Co. - Craft Kits and Subscriptions that Inspire a Child’s Imagination. This work-at-home-mom offers a great selection of creative craft kits from ALEX, Quincrafts, and Curiosity Kits from her catalog and website (

Are Money Conflicts Ruining Your Relationship?

Written by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

Continued from page 1

Money is certainly a concern in relationships where both people are working hard yet there is not enough money. However, this is notrepparttar situation that generally causes relationship problems. In this situation, both partners are onrepparttar 111045 same side, each supportingrepparttar 111046 other in dealing withrepparttar 111047 problems. There are no power struggles, just actual money concerns.


In relationships such as Sam and Rita’s,repparttar 111048 problems inrepparttar 111049 relationship are not really about money – they about believing that money is more important than caring and compassion. Sam is a person who defines his worth by how much money he has, rather than by how caring a person he is. Like Scrooge in The Christmas Carol, money has become his God. His anxiety and resulting controlling behavior with Rita is not based on reality, but on his ego’s desire for power and control.

If Sam shifted his thinking from fear to love, he would start to give his money away and receive great satisfaction from using his money to help others. He would receive great joy from supporting Rita in doingrepparttar 111050 things that bring her joy. If love and compassion became more important than power and control, Sam and Rita would not have relationship problems.

While Millie and Harold are not loaded with money,repparttar 111051 problems are similar. Millie fabricates money scenarios that cause her great anxiety and then wants control over getting Harold to relieve her fears. In reality, their money situation is fine. If Millie learned to stay inrepparttar 111052 present instead of obsessing aboutrepparttar 111053 future, she and Harold could enjoy each other. Her focus on controllingrepparttar 111054 future is causing constant conflict in their relationship.


In Rebecca and Jack’s situation, Jack’s resistance to taking financial responsibility is causing Rebecca to have to work too hard. Jack isrepparttar 111055 kind of person who wants to be taken care of rather than be a responsible adult. Jack’s deepest motivation is to not be controlled - by Rebecca, by himself, or by society. His resistance keeps him immobilized in irresponsible behavior. Until caring about himself and others is more important to Jack than not being controlled, he will stay stuck in resistance. Unless Jack decides to become a caring and responsible person, Rebecca either has to accept himrepparttar 111056 way he is or leave relationship. She cannot make Jack change, andrepparttar 111057 conflicts inrepparttar 111058 relationship are because she has not accepted her helplessness over making Jack be different.

Relationship conflicts over money get resolved when both people move out of control or resistance and into caring about themselves and each other. Partnerships based on caring and compassion bring intimacy and joy, even when money is limited.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" She is the co-creator of a powerful self-help, 6-step emotional and spiritual healing process called Inner Bonding. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or

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