How to Prevent Theft of Your Ebooks - Part 1: Ebook Copyright

Written by Michael Hopkins

Continued from page 1

However, it stampsrepparttar work as being yours. It makes it clear to those who might be tempted to copy it, that they don't have that right.

Example of a copyright statement...

Copyright © 2003 Your Name (or company name). All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this e-book may be copied or sold.

Note: Some people use (c) (the letter 'c' in brackets) instead ofrepparttar 108404 official copyright symbol © (the letter 'c' surrounded by a circle). In many countriesrepparttar 108405 law does not recognize this as a copyright symbol and it's not a given that a court will accept it as valid. You should ALWAYS writerepparttar 108406 word 'Copyright' in FULL as part of your copyright statement and you should userepparttar 108407 official copyright symbol.

You should also include a copyright page in your e-book. Take a look atrepparttar 108408 copyright information in any e-book (or paper book) for ideas on what you should include on this page.

Another idea that may be useful - in a legal sense - is to print out a copy of your e-book on paper and save a copy on to a diskette (or CD-ROM).

Place bothrepparttar 108409 paper version andrepparttar 108410 diskette in an envelope and mail it to yourself via REGISTERED mail. Hold on torepparttar 108411 receipt forrepparttar 108412 mail and whenrepparttar 108413 package arrives to your home, put it away in a SAFE place (together withrepparttar 108414 receipt) WITHOUT opening it.

This is proof that you hadrepparttar 108415 document in your possession at repparttar 108416 date ofrepparttar 108417 mailing. If you do this before your e-book goes 'live' then you're sure that nobody can have copied your work before this date.

Here are a few websites where you can learn more about copyright issues...

-The Publishing Law Center: -The Copyright Website:

Okay, I hope that this has helped you understandrepparttar 108418 question of copyright a little better. Inrepparttar 108419 next articlee, I'll continue on repparttar 108420 question of ebook protection by looking at practical measures you can put in place to prevent people from stealing your ebook from your website.

Michael Hopkins is owner of BizzyDays Ebook Publications. Visit now to download original ebooks for FREE at: This article first appeared in Michael's newsletter 'Ebook Times'. To subscribe visit:

7 Strategies for Finding Best-Seller Ebook Ideas

Written by Michael Hopkins

Continued from page 1

A great place to start is online newsgroups, forums and so on. Visit forums on topics that interest you and see what people are talking about. What arerepparttar common questions? Identifyrepparttar 108403 common problems experience by people interested inrepparttar 108404 topic.

Leave very specific questions like "What'srepparttar 108405 hardest thing about...?", "What would you most like...?". Solverepparttar 108406 common problems these people encounter.

Follow these links to find forums, newsgroups and discussion lists on a vast range of topics:

-Topica: -Google Groups: -Delphi:

Another way to find out what people are interested in, is by finding out what they're searching for onrepparttar 108407 internet. Follow these links to see what surfers are looking for: Top 100 Searches: op -AskJeeves: -Overture Suggestion - see how many people have used Overture search inrepparttar 108408 past month forrepparttar 108409 keywords you enter:


Brainstorming is about getting a group of people together to share ideas. This technique works best when all rational judgement is suspended. Nothing should be ruled out, every idea and contribution should be welcomed. Even ideas that, at first, might appear useless may lead to other ideas or further trains of thought.

The more thoughts that are introducedrepparttar 108410 betterrepparttar 108411 brainstorming will work andrepparttar 108412 betterrepparttar 108413 chances of coming up with really good ideas. Do this with family or friends and you may find yourself wondering which book to start first.

Also, ask family and friends to tell yourepparttar 108414 things that interest them. Is there a particular problem that they would like to see solved. Could you solve it?

Often this questioning will provoke joking responses like "a big house, loads of money and a flashy car". Don't disregard flippant responses like these. They can tell you a lot about people hopes, dreams and aspirations.

If you can tap into people's dreams and make a product that will help them (even in a small way) to realize those dreams, you're on to a winner.


Go to your local bookstore and browserepparttar 108415 non-fiction sections. Take special note of which books are displayed most prominently (especially inrepparttar 108416 "how to" and "self-help" sections).

This will tell you a lot about what people are interested in. You can also explorerepparttar 108417 bestsellers onrepparttar 108418 Internet at these websites: -Amazon: -Barnes & Noble:

Try taking a look atrepparttar 108419 headlines in glossy magazines. Those guys know how to push allrepparttar 108420 right buttons to get people to buy.

You'll probably find ten things you could research and write about just by browsing through magazines that interest you (health, beauty, fitness, money, sport etc). The most inticing lines are always written onrepparttar 108421 front cover.


There are some areas of knowledge that are already well covered by numerous authors (real-estate, for example).

Perhaps, however, you can identify a specific aspect of a given subject that hasn't been covered (real estate in a particular state or region, real estate aimed at a particular type of buyer, and so on). No matter how specialized,repparttar 108422 marketing power of repparttar 108423 internet can be used to reach almost any niche market.

And there you have it! Seven ways to go about findingrepparttar 108424 perfect ideas for your next ebook.

Have fun!

Michael Hopkins is owner of BizzyDays Ebook Publications. Visit now to download original ebooks for FREE at: This article first appeared in Michael's newsletter 'Ebook Times'. To subscribe visit:

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