How to Overcome Procrastination

Written by Nick Usborne

Continued from page 1

4. Try to put aside negative beliefs

One root cause of procrastination is negative beliefs about ourselves and our abilities. "I can't do that." "I tried once and I couldn't do it." If you have no belief in your ability to achieve a particular task, it's no wonder you procrastinate.

In some cases you might be right...a particular job might be outside your area of expertise. And that's fine. Where you need to address these negative beliefs is when you find yourself feeling frozen inrepparttar face of tasks that you really could achieve. Be aware ofrepparttar 100250 difference. Question yourself.

5. Put aside fear of failure

This is related torepparttar 100251 two points above. And it's all a matter of attitude. For some, a single failure in their professional lives drags them down and they feel like its impossible ever to succeed again. For others, typicallyrepparttar 100252 most successful of all entrepreneurs, individual failures are signs that they are breaking new ground. Sometimes things work out well, and sometimes they don't. This latter group views failure as something positive - a learning experience.

>> Finally, consider programs to help you with procrastination

For some of us, procrastination and patchy work performance is something we live with, work with and are constantly aware of it. And it gets inrepparttar 100253 way ofrepparttar 100254 success we should achieve.

If this sounds like you, you might want to consider taking some kind of more deliberate and positive action to addressrepparttar 100255 problem.

The answer for me lay in a hypnosis program. I was skeptical and surprised, but finally delighted byrepparttar 100256 outcome. For you? You need to explore options and possibilities that feel right for you and your own circumstances.

Nick Usborne is a freelance copywriter, author and speaker. For more on making money as a freelance writer, visit his site, To find out about how he overcame his own work performance issues with a hypnosis program, read his review of Productivity Engineering.

Watch Debt Disappear

Written by Wendy Sanders

Continued from page 1

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