How to Organize Your Marketing

Written by Charlie Cook

Continued from page 1

You may be doing a great job at getting attention, but if you're not motivating prospects to contact you, your business is leaking leads. You could be missing more than 80% of potential buyers.

Does your company have a web site? How many visitors stop by your site each month? How many of these contact you?

If you're a small business you could easily be attracting 3,000 to 20,000 people a month. Typically, 10 to 30% of these people can be motivated to contact you, amounting to 300 to 6,000 leads per month.

You may be attracting more leads than you need. Make sure you capture them so you can market to them. One of my coaching clients had a web site that was attracting 40,000 visitors each month. With a site this popular, he should have been able to generate 8,000 leads each month. All he needed was to structure his web site to prompt prospects to give him their contact information. Instead he was getting an average of only 10 leads each month.

Second Motivate prospects to give you their contact information. Give them a reason to contact you. I give away a free marketing guide that prompts almost a thousand people a month to give me their contact information. Once you have your prospects' contact information, follow up regularly to further establishrepparttar credibility of your firm and clarifyrepparttar 119861 value of your products and services.

Moving Prospects to Client or Customer Status When you provide your services or develop your products you shape them to fit your prospects' wants and needs. Similarly your marketing needs to be shaped to fit your prospects' buying patterns. When your marketing strategy and materials reflectsrepparttar 119862 information prospects are looking for, you'll get their attention and their business.

2005 © In Mind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. - The author, Charlie Cook, helps service professionals and small business owners attract more clients and be more successful. Sign up for the Free Marketing Plan eBook, '7 Steps to get more clients and grow your business' at

10 Ways To Improve Your Sales

Written by Robert Kempster

Continued from page 1

7.Position your business to benefit from other webmasters traffic. There are several ways to achieve this. The most prominent is link exchanges with other websites that are similar or complementary in nature to your business. You can do this by writing torepparttar owner or webmaster of other sites, you can buy a link exchange program or join a link exchange. Most are free to join and some charge very minimal fees.

8.As your customer base grows and you start to reaprepparttar 119860 benefits of your actions. Be sure to acquire an Auto-responder to manage email campaigns and Ezine delivery. By now, your actions should start to show returns and you can complement your campaigns by purchasing a leads building campaign if you do not have one in place fromrepparttar 119861 start. It is common knowledge amongrepparttar 119862 big hitters that a lot of sales come from email campaigns. Use your Sales copy Ad to develop an email campaign, and stay in touch with your existing customers. This can also be used to sell new subscribers you generated using step#3.

9.Is your head spinning yet? Well if it is, you are onrepparttar 119863 right track for success and should now learn to relax and balance work and social responsibilities. This is a very crucial step to achieving anything in life. We all need to step back a little, so we can see more, refresh and increase performance. Everything contained here would be useless if you can not find balance. As you find relaxation, in whatever way you choose, remember to build a support system and share your experiences with acquaintances. You just might increase your network while doing something that relaxes you. The country club offers recreation and relaxation but, it also comes with networking opportunities.

10.At this point you should evaluate your performance and how much you are on Target or off. Go back to step #1 and reinventrepparttar 119864 wheel again. By now you have some experience with your business and know what works best for your business. If at any point you find yourself too comfortable, go over your business plans with a fine toothcomb until you experience a little discomfort. This step would always keep you sharp, focused, and abreast of what needs improvement and adjustment. Remember, your goal is to increase sales and not to get too comfortable. Stay motivated and fairly dissatisfied.

Robert Kempster is a fairly recent entrant into the Internet Home biz Club. Background spans Computer Programming, Real Estate (former COO), and a EMBA drop-out. A regular person. 6 Figure Income on a $79.90 shoe-string budget

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