How to Maximize Search Engine Traffic

Written by Matt Byron

Continued from page 1

(If your site does not offer such equipment, you can still offer "information" on these topics.)

But how do you decide what those other webmasters will write when they link to your site? That's easy. You do it by giving other webmastersrepparttar exact code they can paste into their sites.

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Now back to actually getting those links to your site...

Getting Links

Earlier we talked aboutrepparttar 120495 importance of having quality sites link to your website. And that's not an easy task. In fact, getting quality sites to link to your site takes a bit of originality. You can't just slap up a "link to us" page and hoperepparttar 120496 job gets done.

Many webmasters simply searchrepparttar 120497 web and then email related sites asking for a link swap. In my opinion that is too time-consuming and tedious.

There are lots of other ways to growrepparttar 120498 number of links into your site. There are many automated solutions available such as link farms andrepparttar 120499 like, but be careful with those. Many such networks are not search engine friendly and using them can actually hurt your site. You have to be careful when selecting a link strategy.

Your link strategy should include a way for people to get a link from your site to theirs, as well as create a link from their site to your site. And if you can automaterepparttar 120500 entire process you'll save lots of time.

Building a link strategy at your website is an important step that will help you more than you realize, especially as time goes on. So make it one ofrepparttar 120501 first of your Internet marketing steps.

Once your link building infrastructure (something likerepparttar 120502 above example) is in place, you need a few ways to get webmasters linking. Below are a few strategies you can use.

1.Pre-license all your best stuff.

As you create your own tips, articles or content for your website or email newsletters, consider pre-licensing it to others. Pre-licensing it for others is as simple as including a short footer after your work. It looks something like this:

"You have permission to reprint what you just read. Use it in your ezine, at your website or in your newsletter. The only requirement is includingrepparttar 120503 following footer..."

*Article by YOUR NAME, visit for more original content like this.

Gettingrepparttar 120504 idea? This takes no extra work on your part since you already writerepparttar 120505 article. A simple footer like that lets you pre-licensed it torepparttar 120506 entire web. Your links will be growing continually with no extra effort. There are lots of websites in need of decent content. Supply it and you can benefit greatly - if you do it right!

2. Bribe webmasters into linking up.

The next strategy that can work very well isrepparttar 120507 "bribe". In a nutshell, you simply give something of value away to anyone who links to your site.

When done correctly, this strategy can be extremely powerful. All you need to get started is a few text links that people can use to link to your site, and a way to automate all aspects ofrepparttar 120508 "bribe".

Note: The tool that automates your link building strategy is called Links Manager. It allowed you to create a directory in a few hours and it automatesrepparttar 120509 entire "get links" strategy for you. It sends automated emails to all new submissions, checks their site for reciprocal links, and sends email reminders if they don't reciprocate. When visitors link to your site their links are set up directly and not throughrepparttar 120510 system. So it is search engine friendly

In Closing...

OK, so is everything you have read all today should help you to move your site uprepparttar 120511 ranks ofrepparttar 120512 major search engines like Google? Well, not really. There are lots of other consideration such asrepparttar 120513 Title of your site. Your title needs to include your best keywords as well. And so doesrepparttar 120514 text of your pages. For now, get busy building quality content and quality links. They are two keys torepparttar 120515 success of your website.

That wraps up today's tip! If you take one lesson from it remember, QUALITY CONTENT AND QUALITY LINKS will bring you lots of targeted website traffic.


Matt Byron

P.S. If you wish to have any a specific area of concern regarding advertising and online strategies, please send an email to:

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Founder of Direct Marketing 4 U, a innovative solution to online marketing. Dedicated to demystifying online marketing. Simple solutions for the everyday business person. A 7 year veteran in marketing and personal management.

Cutting Down Your Trade Show Budget

Written by Susan Friedmann

Continued from page 1

Investing in both marketing and training means that you’re interested and willing to focus on long-term results. Neither is designed to give a “quick fix,” rather using them continuously in an organized and planned manner, will produce results. They’re like a dripping faucet, so long asrepparttar drops constantly fall intorepparttar 120492 tub, it will fill up. However, if you maintain a “turn on, turn off” approach, that is train and market in times of plenty and discontinue when there’s a shortage, then your results are likely to mirror your actions. Look at how you can keep an operational equilibrium to avoidrepparttar 120493 highs andrepparttar 120494 lows. Develop a consistent marketing and training strategy. 4. Inspire loyal workers

Often companies are reluctant to invest too much in training staff for fear that once trained, they’ll leave for “greener pastures.” Since there are no guarantees in life, that’s always going to be a risk, but does that mean you shouldn’t develop your people to berepparttar 120495 best they can be? Absolutely not! The reasons employees leave may be many. Employees may leave because of frustration or stress. They might feel unappreciated or undervalued. It could be that they believe your company is heading for an iceberg and want to "jump ship" before it sinks. Maybe they feel that their salaries are not in line withrepparttar 120496 jobs they are performing. Or they could feel that they don't have enough authority, growth opportunities, or direction in their careers. Training is oftenrepparttar 120497 key to help inspire loyalty. 5. Improve performance

Employees arerepparttar 120498 backbone of your company. Without them, your company cannot stay afloat. The relationship between employees and employers has to be a partnership; if they feel their needs are being ignored, they will leave you. But when both sides work onrepparttar 120499 same wavelength, sharerepparttar 120500 same goals and ideas,repparttar 120501 company will be onrepparttar 120502 right track for success. What better place thanrepparttar 120503 tradeshow floor to exhibit this mentality. Your exhibit staff represents your internal customer-service team and your company ambassadors. They stand for your entire organization. These people haverepparttar 120504 awesome responsibility of making or breaking future relationships with attendees, prospects and customers. Their attitude, body language, appearance, and knowledge help to create positive or negative perceptions inrepparttar 120505 minds of visitors. Make sure that they’re well trained and can do what you expect of them. Training shows that you recognize your team’s importance inrepparttar 120506 company and look to develop their skills to improve performance. Exhibiting is a powerful extension of your company’s marketing strategy and your people arerepparttar 120507 backbone of your company. Eliminating your marketing and training budgets during times of recession is tantamount to profitability suicide. So consider looking at other places to make those cuts!

Written by Susan A. Friedmann,CSP, The Tradeshow Coach, Lake Placid, NY, author: “Meeting & Event Planning for Dummies,” working with companies to improve their meeting and event success through coaching, consulting and training. Go to to sign up for a free copy of ExhibitSmart Tips of the Week.

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