How to Manage Your Mood with Food

Written by Susie Michelle Cortright

Continued from page 1

Instead, try some lean protein (low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese or lean meat) to help tide you over until lunch.


At midday, go light. Because a hefty helping of carbohydrates can increaserepparttar amount of seratonin inrepparttar 111255 brain and cause that sleepy feeling, focus on low-fat protein.

Protein can actually raise energy levels by increasing brain chemicals called catecholamines. Eat a lunch of low-fat cheese, fish, lean meat, poultry, or tofu.

Mid-afternoon snack

Choose something that will keep you satisfied until dinner. A little bit of fat is fine. It gives those carbohydrates and proteins some staying power. My favorite? All-natural peanut butter and a few crackers.

Before your work-out

Carbohydrates are fastest to digest and pack quick energy. Add protein for staying power, but stay away from fats. They can make you cramp.


The agenda forrepparttar 111256 evening can dictate what you'll eat for dinner. Need to stay on overdrive for back-to-school night? Choose low-fat proteins. If you're in relax mode, indulge a little.

Whatever's onrepparttar 111257 menu, rememberrepparttar 111258 Pie Test. Envision your plate as a pie. Seventy-five percent ofrepparttar 111259 pie should be filled with fruits, vegetables, and grains and 25 percent with other foods, such as diary products and meat.

Before bed

Before turning in, a carbohydrate-rich snack can supply seratonin to help you fall asleep. But go easy. Too much food can reduce repparttar 111260 quality of your sleep.

Eating for energy is one ofrepparttar 111261 most effective, powerful, and fast-acting mood-boosters. Try it today and see!

This article is excerpted from More Energy for Moms, by Susie Cortright, Susie is the author of several books for women and founder of the award-winning, a website designed to help busy women find balance. Visit today and get Susie's free course-by-email "6 Days to Less Stress."

Need a great Family or On-Your_Own Winter Activity?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

Can you pick up a baby bird and put it back? This can happen, because baby birds do leaverepparttar nest a few days before they’re ready to soar.

The NWF says, “The parents will keep feeding it onrepparttar 111254 ground and inrepparttar 111255 bushes. Leave it alone and keep children, cats and dogs away from it. You can pick it up and put it in a bush if it is out inrepparttar 111256 open. Birds have very little sense of smell and touching it will not makerepparttar 111257 parents abandon it. After several hours, you probably will not be able to findrepparttar 111258 bird.”


Concerned aboutrepparttar 111259 environment? According to researchers from Iowa State University, catnip and some spices work well. “The aromatic oil in [catnip] is ten times better at warding off mosquitoes than DEET,repparttar 111260 chemical used in most bug sprays,” they say. "It might simply be acting as an irritant or they don't likerepparttar 111261 smell," says Chris Peterson, who ledrepparttar 111262 study. "Nobody really knows why insect repellents work.”


Start planning now and thinking ahead. What critters need inrepparttar 111263 cold months, says NWF, is “high energy food, reliable water sources for drinking and bathing, and safe shelter fromrepparttar 111264 weather and predators.” Here are some things you can do:

·Plant vegetation that produces berries, nuts or seeds, such as native hollies, like possumhaw, Joe Pyle weed and black-eyed Susans (if you leave seed heads on), and native evergreens that provide cover and food for migratory birds ·Provide bird feeders. ·Leave dead trees if you can for habitat - pileated woodpeckers and flying squirrels, for example

·Install winter roosting boxes. If you put outrepparttar 111265 birdhouse inrepparttar 111266 winter, it will be seasoned and ready for spring nesting time. Won’t that be fun to watch?

·Create a brush pile with yard debris as shelter for birds and small mammals and also hibernation places for turtles, salamanders and insects.

·Butterflies too! They lay their eggs in bush piles.

·Use other debris as mulch to protect plant roots from freezing for more habitat

·Put out birdbaths. Did you know birds need to bath in order to stay warm? According torepparttar 111267 NWF, “it keeps their insulation feathers in tip-top condition.” Keep it free from ice, however, or you can buy a heated one. DECORATE A TREE FOR WILDLIFE

The NWF has some wonderful “recipes” here for food you can hang on trees to invite birds and small critters. With such enticing names as Ga Ga Over Garland, Wildlife Wonder Bread, Birdy Bagels, Groovey Grapefruit Feeders and Muffin Madness, there are many to choose from, with great illustrative photographs.


Here you can get wildflower and native grass seeds online, with recommendations for your area: .

Here you will find tips for planning an ecological garden.

Wildseed Farms ( ), just uprepparttar 111268 road from me near Fredericksburg, TX, isrepparttar 111269 nation’s largest working wildflower seed farm, and you can purchase seeds directly from them.

When to plant? Planting dates depend upon seasonal precipitation in your area rather than temperature, and can be planted inrepparttar 111270 fall or early spring. Go here for a schedule: .

Start planning now. With your yard bare as it is now, take a walk around, then use some of these resources to plan your habitat.

©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach™, . Coaching around Emotional Intelligence for relationships, parenting, career, resilience, and personal and professional development. for free ezine. For daily EQ tips send blank email to . Susan is the author of “How to Life Your Life with Emotional Intelligence,” – .

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