How to Make Money at Home with Your Computer

Written by Michael J. McGroarty

Continued from page 1

So I've been thinking. If there were somebody. Just one person whom I could e-mail my articles to, one at a time, and then that person were to post them to allrepparttar websites andrepparttar 129806 article announcement services onrepparttar 129807 net, I would gladly be willing to pay money for that. Certainly not get rich kind of money, but money.

Are you still with me? Good because I want to ask you a question. Do you think that I amrepparttar 129808 only person onrepparttar 129809 net that has this time problem? Not hardly. There are thousands of us, if not tens of thousands.

It's a big problem for those of us that have some really good things going onrepparttar 129810 net, but not quite enough to walk away from our careers.

The person who stands up and solves this problem gets to take homerepparttar 129811 cash.

You don't need a website or credit card processing. You could accept payment through PayPal. All you need is a computer and a little bit of e-mail experience. You would have to be dependable and honest. You are those things, right?

All you would be doing is receiving articles via e-mail, and then posting them torepparttar 129812 many websites and mailing lists that accept such articles. You would have to dorepparttar 129813 research to findrepparttar 129814 best places to post such articles. The secret to offering a service such as this is to make sure you are posting torepparttar 129815 best article announcement services, because ifrepparttar 129816 writers that hire you don't get results, they won't use your service any longer.

Could this berepparttar 129817 start of something big for you? I've seen crazier ideas make lots and lots of money. I had a crazy idea a whole bunch of years ago, and I made tens of thousands of dollars, just because I let myself think outside ofrepparttar 129818 box.

How did I make tens of thousands of dollars? It was long beforerepparttar 129819 internet, but what I actually did was solve a problem for a very small group of people. It's actually a valuable lesson that I've included in my E-book, "How to Make Thousands of Dollars with Homemade Booklets".

As a writer, you could actually create a homemade booklet that shows people how to provide services such as this. Business people aroundrepparttar 129820 world are short of time, there have to be a thousand services that others could provide that would free up some of their time, and atrepparttar 129821 same time put more money in their pockets.

Michael J. McGroarty is the author of the Free Report Series "37 Secret Money Making Strategies". Stop by and sign up for the entire series. This is a Free offer.

10 Tips For Writing Powerful Articles

Written by Michael Pollock

Continued from page 1

6. Keep your paragraphs short. Ideally, 4-6 lines per paragraph is what you want to shoot for. It looks and feels much more appealing torepparttar reader to see "bite-sized" paragraphs.

7. Inspire action in your article. If your article is, in fact, intended to solve a common problem, give people practical suggestions for taking action. Rememberrepparttar 129804 formula "insight + action = growth."

8. When possible, tie your message to everyday activities. A good example of this is "life is like a box of chocolates." Make it easy for your reader to relate to your ideas. That will also make it easier for your reader to apply your ideas in their life.

9. Summarizerepparttar 129805 article inrepparttar 129806 final 1-2 paragraphs. Briefly summarizerepparttar 129807 main points of your article, how people can take action fromrepparttar 129808 information and what results they can achieve.

10. Don't forgetrepparttar 129809 resource box. Provide a brief resource box following your article. It should tell a little about you, your business, how you serve others and how to contact you. Be sure to include your URL and email address with an invitation to contact you or visit your site.

Using these 10 tips should help you write powerful articles that get published and read. Above all else, remember this. A writer writes. So - first - be a writer in your own mind.

Michael Pollock is a popular on-line writer and Personal Coach. He empowers proactive people to create lives that are inspired, power-full and prosperous. It's your life. Make it great! Visit or subscribe to his weekly newsletter "It's Your Life!" by sending a blank email to

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