How to Increase Sales with Automation Improvements

Written by Diana Barnum

Continued from page 1

4.Set your product order numbers at one (1). In other words, when someone clicks a purchase button, haverepparttar cart say one (1) item purchased when they preview their cart instead of zero, making them select “1” again.

5.Include a no-cost gift inrepparttar 104086 shopping cart, withrepparttar 104087 receipt or inrepparttar 104088 Thank You email, especially with large purchases. Let your customers know you appreciate their business. And ask for referrals!

6.Test special product and package prices with offers on a “Thank You” page or with a “Thank You” email.

7.Accept multiple payment options when possible; credit cards, faxed and telephone orders, print checks, money orders, echecks and 3rd party solutions like Paypal. Note: many businesses use American Express.

8.Choose a progressive shopping cart software solution like ProfitAuto at for a variety of services, pricing packages and options for company growth. ProfitAuto manages not onlyrepparttar 104089 cart but also your leads, contacts and shoppers with automated “Thank You” follow up. It also has autoresponders for pre-sale and after-sale communications, digital tracking and delivery solutions, importing / exporting of lists and autoresponder series, electronic coupons, affiliate programs and more.


For a 30-day no-cost trial of ProfitAuto, sign up online at . And download ebooks with loads of information to help with your business fromrepparttar 104090 “Freebies” section ofrepparttar 104091 bookstore at

So tweak your checkout process. Make your clients and your company happy. And ring up more sales. To learn more top tips and receive them on a regular basis at no charge in your email, sign up at today or email .

* From research (Fall, 2001) by Vividence Corporation, specializing in Customer Experience Management (CEM) products and services.

By Diana Barnum, president of and CEO of . For more help with marketing, public relations and writing, email or call: (614)529-9459.

The Power Of Niche Marketing

Written by Terry Stewart

Continued from page 1

Just imagine for one moment that you wererepparttar only one selling automatic self cleaning cookers torepparttar 104085 catering trade. You would cornerrepparttar 104086 that market and make a fortune.


4. The japanese are great at taking other's ideas and improving on them and they are not doing to bad are they? Great inventors like Henry Ford and Edison have created great inventions and others have taken them to another level. The Japanese have shownrepparttar 104087 imortance of understandingrepparttar 104088 power niche business that is why they are one ofrepparttar 104089 wealthier countries inrepparttar 104090 world today.


5. Creating niche business doesn't require you to inventrepparttar 104091 wheel, it only requires thinking of ways to improve it. That is where you will get more sales, and more referals. So that inrepparttar 104092 end your business will grow without competing withrepparttar 104093 bigger companies.


In general you can seerepparttar 104094 benifits of niche marketing which is by corneringrepparttar 104095 market in your particular field,you differienciate your business. You avoid competing withrepparttar 104096 big boys. Therefore gaining your own exclusive market, which in turn will lead to more profits.


Stone Evans publishes home business tips a fresh and informative newsletter. Dedicated to supporting people like YOU! If you are looking forrepparttar 104097 *Best Rated* home business opportunities,repparttar 104098 lates time saving tools and helpful support from an honest friend inrepparttar 104099 business come by and grab a F-R-E-E subscription today at:


Terry Stewat: After years of doing different types of jobs I decided to go into the home based business field. I and I have not looked back since.I dont have all the answers but I do know what not to do, as I have learned from my many mistakes.


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