How to Have a Good Day

Written by Garland Van Dyke

Continued from page 1

4. Handle Each Issue that Arises – You can certainly bank on it that issues will pop up. You are capable of meeting every one of them. Use these three techniques: (1) control your emotions – you must use your mind to determine a solution - anger, fear, stress and frustration will not resolverepparttar issue, only your mind and action will; (2) pray aboutrepparttar 123011 situation and then takerepparttar 123012 problem apart, piece by piece; (3) work onrepparttar 123013 parts you can control.

5. Find Time to Meet with God – If you’re a Bible student, do some research and noterepparttar 123014 number of times that Jesus is alone to talk with his Father. Then followrepparttar 123015 same example. Set aside time each day to pray, meditate, visit, and share your life with God. Get to know God by getting to know Jesus. Learn that He is a compassionate, caring Father who wantsrepparttar 123016 best for His children.

6. Go to Sleep with God – Pray for peace and safety over all in your household. Thank Him for creating such a beautiful day and count your blessings, name them one by one.


Garland Van Dyke is a professional and certified trainer with over 20 years experience in academic and corporate training. He authors and delivers messages that help your spirit to thrive. Based on spiritual principles, Garland uses an interactive style with humor and warm heart to deliver his messages of hope, courage, faith, having a good day and rules to live by. Web site:

Over-Enthusiasm in the Job Search

Written by Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.

Continued from page 1

You, job seeker, would have been more in control of your emotions if you had continued to focus on your job seeking activities AS IF you have not been in an extraordinary job seeker mode with more interviews to choose from. It could be 10th interview you have that will get you hired.

If longer than that, practice, practice, practice on what you are doing to find a job. Make more contacts, overhaul your resume again, make sure your skill set is one that employers want. If not, brush up on some ofrepparttar neglected ones. Keep going. It truly is not going to be a lifelong struggle to find one job!

Just keep your high's and low's within your reach. Think of over-enthusiasm as a balloon you let go of and its now out of sight. Make your sure you job seeker "balloons" are within reach.

Graduate of JFK University Career Development Program Certified Career & Job Transition Coach Website: Email:

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