How to Have Your Own Online Party

Written by Terri Seymour

Continued from page 1

Have each guest introduce themselves and tell (type) a little about themselves. This will help bringrepparttar guests together.

You also want to make sure you have some fun and interesting games to play. And of course, for each game you will need prizes. Below are some popular party games:

*Scavenger Hunt - make a list of several items and instruct your guests to find them on your site.

*Word Scramble - Pick about 10 words from your site and see who can get them all right inrepparttar 116675 least amount of time. Let your guests knowrepparttar 116676 words come from your site/business.

*Trivia Questions - Write up a list of questions about your site/business.

There are many more fun, exciting games to play at your party! Make up your own if you like as well.

You, of course, will also want to spend some time presenting your products. If you offer home decor items, share some tips and ideas on home decorating with your products. If you offer aromatherapy items, explainrepparttar 116677 benefits of your products. Make your presentation fun, informative and relaxed. Letrepparttar 116678 quests ask questions and always be clear and candid with your answers.

The idea here is to relax, have fun, show your items and make new contacts/customers. If your guests have a good time and enjoy themselves, they will sure to come back to your next party! ;-)

************* Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity. They strive to help you build a successful home business. They also provide a website building service. Take advantage of the gifts, resources & more provided for your home and business at FREE ecourse at:


Home Business Success – Do You Have The Right Mindset?

Written by Sudhaa V Prabhu

Continued from page 1

Don’t say, “I cannot invest any money on my business. I want to first earn from it and then I will think of investing”. With this mental outlook, it is very difficult, I repeat, it is very difficult to get a good income from your business.

Mindset #5: Think Globally Withrepparttar enormous effect ofrepparttar 116674 Internet on businesses, your limit is infinite. You have millions and billions of people aroundrepparttar 116675 world that you can reach out to. With this huge prospect base, you can only blame yourself if you are not successful.

Don’t think you can get away just by promoting your products or business among your friends and family. Don’t limit yourself to a small circle. When you do so, you may be successful to some extent, but not torepparttar 116676 extent your business can actually take you.

Mindset #6: Keep Learning and improving your knowledge World is changing and so should your business in this world. You have to keep up withrepparttar 116677 new trends and tools in order to keep your business going, againstrepparttar 116678 vast competition it has. You have to continue to learn and implement new ways in building your business. Keep your eyes and ears open.

Don’t assume that you know everything that is required to build your business. If you do that, you are applying brakes to your own wheels. Don’t think you cannot or will not go wrong. It is acceptable to make mistakes, but only forrepparttar 116679 first time. If you repeat itrepparttar 116680 next time, it means that you haven’t learned your lessons.

So, to be a successful home business entrepreneur, be interested in your business, invest time, money and efforts into your business, always imagine and conduct yourself as an entrepreneur, have a broad mental outlook, acquire more knowledge and skills and execute them in your business.

If you do not have these right mindsets, now isrepparttar 116681 time to make a change in your attitude. If that is done, you have to wait for nothing. Just go ahead and success will soon be yours!

Sudhaa V Prabhu is a home business entrepreneur and the Webmaster of

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