How to Grieve a Tragedy

Written by Stephen Bucaro

Continued from page 1

Eventually you will need to mourn, it's unavoidable. In Phase 2, you should think of nothing butrepparttar tragic event. How can this help? Even though you forcefully preventedrepparttar 111082 event from entering your conscious thoughts forrepparttar 111083 first 21 days, your subconscious mind was grieving. Now you need to deal with it on a conscious level.

You will be able to grieve with less pain now because your subconscious mind has already dealt with it. You can't putrepparttar 111084 tragedy behind you unless you deal with it on a conscious level. Forrepparttar 111085 next 21 days, force yourself to focus onrepparttar 111086 tragic event.

Ifrepparttar 111087 tragedy is a broken relationship, think aboutrepparttar 111088 life you could have had if things worked outrepparttar 111089 way you dreamed. Ifrepparttar 111090 tragedy isrepparttar 111091 death of a loved one, think aboutrepparttar 111092 moments of your lives together. Focus entirely on how much that individual meant to you.

Phase 3: It's time to move forward. Forrepparttar 111093 next 21 days, think only of your future life and changes you will need to make. Plan your new life. What changes do you need to make to carry on under your new circumstances?

Unfortunately, painful events are part of life. Bad things happen, but life moves on. My plan doesn't let you totally avoidrepparttar 111094 grief of a tragedy, and not letting yourself grieve would not be healthy anyway. I promise you, no matter whatrepparttar 111095 loss, inrepparttar 111096 end,repparttar 111097 human spirit will always survive.

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How Kids Learn to Cooperate in Video Games: A Lesson for Parents and Teachers

Written by Marc Prensky

Continued from page 1

And you can’t do this alone, no matter how much experience you have. So you begin to learn to playrepparttar game with others. The game encourages this, with “friends lists” and built in “speed chat” menus consisting, for kids’ protection, of a limited number of phrases you can use. For example, you can invite your friends to help you defeat a building (or, if you prefer, you can just wait outside for others to show up.)

But it gets subtle. Just because someone is your friend (or wants to be) or happens to show up, doesn’t mean he or she hasrepparttar 111081 experience to defeatrepparttar 111082 higher-level Cogs. You can check out someone’s gags when they are in range to help you decide whom to work with, but success depends not only onrepparttar 111083 level and number of gags one has, but also on knowing how to use them in battle. You learn over time what players you want on your team to achieve success in particular situations. Sometimes, to be sure all of you survive, you have to reject players who ask to work with you on a certain task. One ofrepparttar 111084 things you can say throughrepparttar 111085 speed chat is “I think this is too risky for you.” Just as inrepparttar 111086 real world, such advice is not always well-received, andrepparttar 111087 game gives yourepparttar 111088 opportunity to learn to deal with this.

Inrepparttar 111089 midst of any battle – players typically fight higher-level Cogs in groups of four – a player can choose, rather than to throw a gag atrepparttar 111090 Cogs, to instead give his or her fellow players additional “laff points” (i.e. health). Doing this helps prevent them from “dying” and dropping out ofrepparttar 111091 battle. One skill typically gained from frequent play is knowing when to help your teammates versus when to attackrepparttar 111092 Cogs. This is not trivial. One adult player described her first battle with ultra-high-level Cogs as “extremely nerve wracking,” and characterizedrepparttar 111093 strategies she had to employ to work successfully withrepparttar 111094 other players as “the most emotional experience I’ve ever had in a game.” And this isrepparttar 111095 version for kids!

And there is yet another way Toontown players learn there is value in cooperation. Some ofrepparttar 111096 tasks available to higher-level players allow them to earn jelly beans by helping out new players. When these experienced players see a Newbie fighting a Cog onrepparttar 111097 street, they can join in and assist. Whenrepparttar 111098 Cog is defeated, bothrepparttar 111099 experienced player andrepparttar 111100 Newbie get rewarded game at their own level.

Is it Boring?

Still, whilerepparttar 111101 tasks atrepparttar 111102 start ofrepparttar 111103 game involve defeating only one Cog at a time andrepparttar 111104 tasks at higher levels require players to defeat hundreds of Cogs on their way to liberate bigger and bigger buildings,repparttar 111105 battles are very similar. “Isn’t that boring?” I asked one “addicted” player. “After all it’s basicallyrepparttar 111106 same thing over and over – fighting Cogs.”

“I like going uprepparttar 111107 levels,” she replied. And of courserepparttar 111108 only way she can do this is by learning to cooperate well with real people, in real time – while sitting at her own computer.

I encourage readers of this article to try Toontown, both with your kids, and even on your own. (You can go to to get started.) See how far you can get. If you happen to enjoyrepparttar 111109 experience, you can go on torepparttar 111110 aforementioned “older players’” games, whererepparttar 111111 enemies are fantasy monsters andrepparttar 111112 buildings castles to storm, yet whererepparttar 111113 principles of cooperation are basicallyrepparttar 111114 same. If you actually get addicted to cooperative play, don’t blame me – these games are designed to reel you in.

But even if you don’t get hooked yourself – andrepparttar 111115 more you are fromrepparttar 111116 “Digital Immigrant” generationrepparttar 111117 less likely it is that you will – hopefully you will have learned this important and generally-overlooked lesson:

What keepsrepparttar 111118 kids playing these games is notrepparttar 111119 violence (that’s all fake andrepparttar 111120 kids know it), but ratherrepparttar 111121 ability to work together with others to achieve more and more difficult goals.

Can you think of any skill more useful for children to spend their time learning? I can’t.

Marc Prensky is a thought leader, speaker, writer, consultant, and game designer in the critical areas of education and learning. He is the author of Digital Game-Based Learning (McGraw-Hill, 2001),and founder and CEO of Games2train, a game-based learning company . More of his writings can be found at Contact Marc at

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