How to Get your PhD in The Business World Vs. Getting your PhD in the School Setting

Written by Glenn Dietzel

Continued from page 1

So what should you do to earn your PhD inrepparttar business world? You should do what every successful company has done. Understandrepparttar 147272 wants and desires of a target market. Remember that people purchase because of a want or desire—in essence people buy feelings. Launch a product to fillrepparttar 147273 want and then get feedback. The important step in this equation is that successful businesses begin to make money withrepparttar 147274 beta versions of their product or service.

Cash flow isrepparttar 147275 life blood of every business. Although it is important to have assets,repparttar 147276 key to business success isrepparttar 147277 cash flow you generate each day. To experience cash flow fromrepparttar 147278 beginning,repparttar 147279 key here is that your product should not be perfect. Yes, you read me correctly about your product not being perfect. It shouldn’t be. Why is that? Let me give you an example.

Let’s use Google,repparttar 147280 Internet’s number one search engine today. For every Google there are and were many other search engine companies trying to dominaterepparttar 147281 market place. What isrepparttar 147282 reason for Google’s remarkable success? Here is what Google did and it goes againstrepparttar 147283 very paradigm espoused byrepparttar 147284 school system today. Google launched a less than perfect service intorepparttar 147285 market place. Google would call that beta testing according to a recent interview. Now here isrepparttar 147286 catch. What did they do after this? They got feedback! Feedback isrepparttar 147287 answer to dominating a market. It also makes great business sense.

As Google was continuously upgrading their original beta version, other search engine companies were doing whatrepparttar 147288 educational system programmed them to do. They were trying to perfect a product/service by themselves separate from their target market. While these companies, many of which have since gone under, were wasting time, energy and money perfecting their “thesis,” to use a metaphor fromrepparttar 147289 school system, Google knew thatrepparttar 147290 target market never lies. Ifrepparttar 147291 target market likes it they will buy it. So, atrepparttar 147292 same time as they were perfecting their service, they were also making money!

So how do you get your PhD inrepparttar 147293 business world? You clarify where your passion lies and align it with a hungry market. Seek feedback from your clients at your website. Use this feedback to create exactly what they are telling you they want more of. This is how you get your PhD inrepparttar 147294 business world. Andrepparttar 147295 best part is that anyone can do this. Anyone. As long as you takerepparttar 147296 time to do your target market analysis and find out what your target market wants.

Do this over and over again and you will become a guru in your market. And as a by-product, you will earn your PhD in business! Guaranteed!

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The Hidden (and Powerful) Benefits of Frequenting Forums

Written by Diane Hughes

Continued from page 1

People love to be inrepparttar company of an expert, and they also love to do business with an expert they trust.

ACTION STEP TWO: Be prepared to give away some free, quality advice. Don’t skirtrepparttar 147271 issue. You won’t be able to establish yourself as an expert unless you "prove" to others that you know what you’re talking about.

Getting Referrals and Leads

Forums have started coming into their own inrepparttar 147272 area of referral and lead generation. Because "lurkers" can quietly click through forums to see who has said what, they haverepparttar 147273 opportunity to get to know you "behindrepparttar 147274 scenes."

Be careful what you post on forums. You never know who’s watching! Be friendly, professional, and on guard. There are hundreds (even thousands) of prospective customers out there watching your every move.

However, this is truly a good thing. When you actively post quality information in forums, you leave a legacy that showsrepparttar 147275 world you’re good at what you do. Anytime this happens, referrals and leads are bound to come your way.

ACTION STEP THREE: Find one or two quality forums that attract those you’d like to do business with. Then put your best foot forward. Don’t downgrade your competition. Be professional, friendly, and helpful.

The next time you think you don’t have a few extra minutes to "fool around" in a forum, think again. You’ll be doing yourself a favor by makingrepparttar 147276 time. From simply sharing your knowledge and experience with others, you could very well end up with stronger search engine rankings and more clients!

Diane C. Hughes *

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