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If your topic relates to something already in news, hooray for you! Pass GO and collect $200. The media LOVE to find a local expert who can give a local angle on a national news headline. Make sure you point out your connection with news when you call station.
What should you worry about when you go on air? Joe Shafran, who has helped thousands of people get on talk shows, says to go to bathroom and get a drink of water. Other than that, don't worry. Talk show hosts are nice professionals who will help walk you through your visit. Relax and speak clearly... and don't forget to mention your phone number and web site at end.
After your appearance is over, go home or back to your office and write a thank you note to host. Not many people do this and radio folks really appreciate it. A handwritten thank you goes miles toward getting you asked back again and again.
Now that you've mastered local scene, go nationwide! You can find radio stations by searching media for various cities. Also go to Radio and Records web site at R&R is main trade publication for radio industry. You can find more links to radio station web sites there.
Call and email stations to set up your appearance. You can do interviews by telephone. Call day before your appearance to remind host or producer. It's also a good idea to call about 15 minutes before your appearance to make sure everything is set. Radio moves very quickly, so it's a good idea to follow up several times to make sure you haven't been forgotten or moved.
Without good, interesting guests, talk radio shuts down. They NEED you. Also consider music morning shows that do a lot of talking. DJs often welcome outrageous or funny guests.
Kevin Nunley provides marketing advice and copy writing. See his 10,000 FREE marketing tips and popular press release packages at Reach Kevin at or 801-328-9006.