How to Get Insanely Rich on the Internet

Written by Linda Cox

Continued from page 1

Q: How else can I get new business?

A: Spam. Spam. Spam.

Q: I thought spam was bad.

A: No, spam is good. Anyone who says it's bad is just jealous because their brains are too small.

Q: But won't I lose my web host and ISP?

A: Inrepparttar get-rich-quick business, it's important to cultivate a zen-like non-attachment to service providers.

Q: What else can I do to promote my new business?

A: Here's a list of suggestions:

--Sign up with a free website provider and fill your site with zany colors and flashy banners.

--Join every free banner exchange.

--Get your own free-for-all links page.

--Join every opt-in email list withrepparttar 117917 word Money, Rich or Lackwit inrepparttar 117918 title.

--Buy software that submits your site URL torepparttar 117919 15,000 most important search engines.

--Buy software that submits your ad torepparttar 117920 50,000 most-read free classified sites.

--Buy software that submits your link torepparttar 117921 100,000 most popular free-for-all link pages.

--Hire a bulk emailer.

--Sponsor a golf tournament.

Q: Okay, I've done all that and I'm still not rich. I haven't even driven my hitcounter to its knees yet. What am I doing wrong?

A: It's possible that you're not very bright. Consult one of your friends who has retired on their internet earnings.

Q: What if I don't have any friends who have retired on their internet earnings?

A: Then contact someone onrepparttar 117922 internet who has retired on their internet earnings.

Q: What if I've never heard of anyone retiring from their internet earnings?

A: Well, then maybe you can berepparttar 117923 first.

Q: You're pulling my leg, right?

A: Oops! Sorry, I thought FAQ stood for Facetiously Answered Questions!

Never mind.

Linda Cox (J.A.M.G.) was born in a speeding stagecoach amid the screams of fellow passengers as insane, wild-eyed horses dragged them all crashing toward the brink of destruction. That stagecoach was the planet Earth, those passengers were the human race, and Linda Cox is Just Another Marketing Guru. (The horses were just regular horses.)

Basic Business: Good Record Keeping

Written by Wild Bill Montgomery

Continued from page 1

Gross Receipts arerepparttar income you receive from your business. You should retain supporting documents, which showrepparttar 117916 amounts and sources of your gross receipts. Examples of gross receipts include cash register tapes, bank deposit slips, receipt books, invoices, credit card charge slips, email records and your forms 1099-Misc.

Purchases arerepparttar 117917 items you buy and resell to customers. If you are a manufacturer or producer this includesrepparttar 117918 cost of raw materials and/or parts purchased for making into finished products. Your supporting documents should showrepparttar 117919 amount paid for those purchases. Examples of documents for purchase include cancelled checks, cash register tapes, credit card slips, email records and invoices.

These records will help you determinerepparttar 117920 value of your inventory atrepparttar 117921 end ofrepparttar 117922 year.

Expenses arerepparttar 117923 costs that you incur to carry on your business. Your supporting documents should showrepparttar 117924 amounts paid for those business expenses. Examples of documents for expenses include email documents, cancelled checks, cash register tapes, account statements, credit card slips, invoices and a petty cash system for small purchases.

A petty cash fund allows you to make minimal payments without having to write checks for small amounts. Each time you make a payment from this fund, you should prepare a petty cash disbursement slip and attach it to your receipt as proof of payment.

Travel, transportation, entertainment and gift expenses require some extra documentation to deduct them as business expenses. For example, to deductrepparttar 117925 cost of taking a client to lunch, you should recordrepparttar 117926 name ofrepparttar 117927 client,repparttar 117928 purpose ofrepparttar 117929 lunch and topic discussed atrepparttar 117930 lunch.

Assets arerepparttar 117931 property, such as your computer and fax that you own and use in your business. You must keep records to verify certain information about your business assets. You need records to figurerepparttar 117932 annual depreciation and gain or loss when you sellrepparttar 117933 assets. Your records should show when and how you acquiredrepparttar 117934 asset. Also includerepparttar 117935 purchase price, date of purchase, cost of any improvements, deductions taken for depreciation and deductions taken for casualty losses like fires or storms, how you usedrepparttar 117936 asset, when and how you disposed ofrepparttar 117937 asset, selling price and any expenses ofrepparttar 117938 sale. Example of these supporting documents may include purchase or sales invoices, real estate closing statements and cancelled checks.

This is a just quick, crash course article on basic record keeping. But, whatever your business, remember, good record keeping is essential torepparttar 117939 your financial survival. So takerepparttar 117940 time and keep good records. The headaches you save may be your own.

Thanks for reading

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