How to Get Ahead at Work - Without Kissing Butt!

Written by Stephen Bucaro

Continued from page 1

They say "the cat that meows getsrepparttar milk". Always keep pestering your boss to give yourepparttar 112704 glory assignments. Always whine and complain when you get a crap assignment. If you get a crap assignment, lay a guilt complex on your boss. Make it clear that they now owe you a glory assignment.

=> "The early bird getsrepparttar 112705 worm". True - butrepparttar 112706 night hawk eats venison.

- You will never get credit for arriving at work before everyone else - because they didn't see when you arrived. Always arrive at work late and then leave late. If you are still working whenrepparttar 112707 other employee leaves, it makes them appear to be making less effort than you - even though they may have put inrepparttar 112708 same, or more hours than you did.

Do not arrive early AND leave late. That will cause you to get tired, burned out, and not perform at peak efficiency.

- Every manager is indebted to their boss for every dollar in their department's budget. This means they must keep their department's salaries as low as possible. In your performance review, your boss is looking for every "bullet" they can use to "shoot down" your raise.

Keep a journal of every task that you complete successfully and every accomplishment that you achieve. In your performance review, your boss can be very forgetful. You need to come torepparttar 112709 review with a few bullets of your own.

- A group of employees is like a pack of wolves. Each employee jockeying for a more dominant position. To achieve domination over a fellow employee they have to prove they are more skilled thanrepparttar 112710 other employee.

Schedule time every day to read and study material related to your profession andrepparttar 112711 business that your company is in. Continuously increase your skill level. This does not require putting in more hours at work or taking time at home. You can usually block out from 30 minutes to 2 hours duringrepparttar 112712 workday for skill enhancement.

If you have a high skill level, you don't need to join a click to cover your mistakes. When you make a mistake, you will have enough value torepparttar 112713 company to be able to admit torepparttar 112714 mistake without affecting your status inrepparttar 112715 company.

When you make a mistake say this; "I made a mistake and ifrepparttar 112716 company doesn't likerepparttar 112717 way I work, they can hire who-ever is second best". This is a way of tellingrepparttar 112718 company that even though you are human and make mistakes, you are still a highly skilled employee and a valuable asset torepparttar 112719 company.

You CAN have a secure job with good advancement even if you have too much self-respect to kiss butt. When you followrepparttar 112720 rules above, your bosses may not smile at you, but they will be handing you a big paycheck! ----------------------------------------------------------- Resource Box: Copyright(C)2002 Bucaro TecHelp. To learn how to maintain your computer and use it more effectively to design a Web site and make money onrepparttar 112721 Web visit To subscribe to Bucaro TecHelp Newsletter Send a blank email to -----------------------------------------------------------


The 7 Top Ways Millionaires Become Wealthy

Written by Steven Mattos

Continued from page 1
5) Teach your children to be economically self-sufficient to foster a "Wealth Mind-Set" Provide your children fish and they will eat for a day. Teach them to fish and they will eat for a lifetime. As you might guess, children who grew up to be affluent, who had affluent parents, were taught to be disciplined and intentional with their money. Robert Kyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, didn't cave in when his son asked for a car at 16 years old, even whenrepparttar neighbor kids were being given cars by their parents. He gave his son $3000, and a subscription torepparttar 112703 Wall Street Journal, and a few books on investing inrepparttar 112704 stock market. Now Rich Dad's son watches more CNN than MTV. He hasrepparttar 112705 motivation, and is getting an education that will provide him for a lifetime, well beyond his first car purchase. 6) Become Proficient in Targeting Market Opportunities Find your niche, likerepparttar 112706 wealthy do. Follow whererepparttar 112707 money flows, and look for specialized opportunities. Why not targetrepparttar 112708 wealthy themselves? Yes, they are frugal, especially first generation self-made wealthy. BUT…they spend openly on investing in themselves and their families. Investment advice and services, business training, software, tax advice, legal, medical, dental, health, real estate, and education are top priorities. They pay well for products and services that protect and grow their assets. Rememberrepparttar 112709 majority ofrepparttar 112710 wealthy are self-employed entrepreneurs. Followed by medical professionals and business executives. 7) Chooserepparttar 112711 Right Occupation You now have a good idea of whatrepparttar 112712 affluent do. 20% are retirees. Ofrepparttar 112713 remaining 80%, most of these are self-made businessmen and women. Keep in mind that entrepreneurs are 4 times more likely to become millionaires than those who work for others. There is no one business, or group of business more likely to breed millionaire-hood. Some are lecturers, others medical professionals, farmers, small manufacturers, and corner mom and pop stores. The most important predictor isrepparttar 112714 characteristics ofrepparttar 112715 owner, thanrepparttar 112716 type of business. It'srepparttar 112717 winning combination of skills and attitude that hit'srepparttar 112718 wealth target. NOTE: The affluent attribute being honest with all people asrepparttar 112719 most important characteristic in their businesses, tied with being well disciplined. The vast majority ofrepparttar 112720 wealthy were not stellar students, or born into money. They have made it through following a few simple principles and being consistent. Now that this lesson is over, your training in securing wealth has just begun. Your next step is to enroll in Steve's introductory tele-workshop: Infopreneuring M.B.A. (Massive Bank Account!) at:

Steven enjoys writing and teaching others on the special topics of wealth, health, and human potential. Steve left a lucrative career in biotechnology to fully pursue his passions in 2000. Now he writes, trains, and coaches full time in San Jose, CA. If you enjoyed this article you may enjoy Steve's tele-class: Infopreneuring MBA (Massive Bank Account!) at

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