How to Generate Multiple Streams of Revenue from Your Online Business

Written by Marc Goldman

Continued from page 1
definitely benefit from them. Do not think solely of your bank account. This way your personal recommendations will carry a lot more weight withrepparttar people who trust your opinion. This is how people really make money with joint ventures. b. If you wish to create a joint venture with someone who does not offer an affiliate program but offers a high quality product or service, you should not hesitate to approach them and offer to market their products/services to your audience in exchange for a share ofrepparttar 117978 profits. Keep in mind that not everyone will respond to your offer andrepparttar 117979 ones who do may not fully understandrepparttar 117980 concept or repparttar 117981 potential power of joint ventures. Patience and some time spent educating your prospective partners will go a long way here. Make them aware that joint ventures are win/win situations. Many of your joint venture partners may also be looking for additional revenue streams. If you own your own products/services you can offer potential joint venture partnersrepparttar 117982 ability to recommend them to their audience for a split ofrepparttar 117983 profits. We have used this joint venture technique to promote our Ultimate Marketers Resource to a much wider audience than we would have reached on our own. 3. Consider purchasing reseller or reprint rights for software or information that your target audience would be interested in. For example, if you have a website or newsletter that focuses on stock market information you can look for software that helps your audience track their portfolio and analyze stock trends. Try to make a deal with repparttar 117984 software developer to resell his software to your audience. Many ofrepparttar 117985 developers onrepparttar 117986 web offer various reseller programs and opportunities where you can purchase several copies of their program at wholesale and then resell them at whatever price you choose. Reprint rights involves purchasingrepparttar 117987 rights or ability to sell someone elses information (ebooks, books, manuals, website content, etc.) for full profit. However, at no time do you take credit for creatingrepparttar 117988 material. As long as you payrepparttar 117989 one time fee you can then sell that information for whatever price you choose to your audience. This is one vehicle that many folks inrepparttar 117990 Direct Marketing business use on a regular basis to generate a very profitable revenue stream. 4. Consider other non-traditional methods for earning revenue from your online business. For example, if you spend quite a bit of time online running your business you could join a program that pays you to be online. For example, Alladvantage offers a free to join service that pays you to place a small toolbar on your website and receive banner ads while you are connected torepparttar 117991 internet. This will not make you a millionaire but it will provide you with a real and consistent flow of money that can be considered an additional revenue stream. When you open your eyes torepparttar 117992 potential income opportunities that exist online and you set up several streams of revenue then you can begin to expect a constant and predictable flow of income from your online business.

Marc Goldman, Goldbar Enterprises Discover the exclusive members only website that will easily explode your traffic and increase your sales by thousands of dollars!!

Your First Year Doing Business Online. What you need to do to get through it and prosper!

Written by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Continued from page 1

If you're going to succeed online you've got to break through their "blase barrier," letting them know what you've got for them and why they should act NOW!

That's whererepparttar sales manager comes in. It puts you way ahead ofrepparttar 117977 pack, delivering your messages over and over and over and over and over again -- until your prospect really getsrepparttar 117978 message and responds. Ifrepparttar 117979 prospect is not longer interested, she can take herself off automatically, without bothering you. Personally, I couldn't dorepparttar 117980 large volume of business we do at Worldprofit without a sales manager. You need one, too -- if you're serious about online profit.

-- You need traffic

Have you put in place a CERTAIN traffic-growth system, a system that is going to get yourepparttar 117981 traffic you need to profit online?

It's all very well and good to have a website. But, as many have discovered, what'srepparttar 117982 point if you've got a terrific site -- and no one visits it?

At Worldprofit we realized back in 1994 that traffic is king, and we've played our cards accordingly ever since.

Towards this end, we developed and have since made available commercially our own BANNER EXCHANGE. You can see it and insert your banner at You can buy one at Click on TRAFFIC GENERATION.

Every day, day in, day out, whether we felt like it or not, we grewrepparttar 117983 Exchange -- and showed others how to grow theirs -- until it now feeds itself, generating more and more site traffic every single day. In other words, we used time to create traffic. It'srepparttar 117984 same principle investors use when they invest at predictable intervals for long-term capital growth. And it works! Thanks to this system, work that we did in 1998, 1999, 2000, etc is STILL paying off in increased traffic today. Can you say as much?

Additionally, we created a system for Guaranteed Banner Exposures, Guaranteed Site Visitors and an aggressive newsletter (ezine) advertising program. You can find information about all of these at Click on TRAFFIC GENERATION.

Remember,you are not going to profit online if you do not have a PREDICTABLE prospect flow system in place. If you simply drift, you're dead meat. Rest in peace!

Start Investing, Keep Investing

>From your very first day onrepparttar 117985 Internet you should start investing. Your investments should include

* improvements in your existing product line * new product line developments * pension and * personal investments.

If you scratchrepparttar 117986 average online business person, they're trying forrepparttar 117987 "big kill,"repparttar 117988 one application,repparttar 117989 one system,repparttar 117990 one event,repparttar 117991 one day that'll make them so rich they'll never have to work again. This isrepparttar 117992 adolescent approach to online succes, and it's resulted in a lot of badly bruised and disillutioned people.

The smarter way isrepparttar 117993 incremental way, using each and every day to grow a more profitable, more valuable business.

Towards this end, you must invest to improve your existing inventory. We live inrepparttar 117994 age of continual improvements. If you don't improve, you're going to loserepparttar 117995 customers you worked so hard to get; you'll destroyrepparttar 117996 basis for sustained business growth.

Equally, you've got to add new products to your product line. At Worldprofit, we NEVER rest on our laurels. We can't afford to. People who rest on laurels, are people who will have nothing else to rest on. Instead, we invest, invest, invest in new products, new applications, new enhancements. General Electric used to say, "Progress is our most important product." At Worldprofit, we couldn't agree more.

>From your first dollar made, you should institute an investment program. This program should consist of both pension investments and other personal investments.

The smartest people online are those who always play a defensive game. They know that business goes through cycles. Things don't get better every day. They know that hard times and unpredictable events happen to everyone. "Man proposes, God disposes." They plan accordingly.

You should be investing in this way at least 10 cents of every dollar you get your hands on. If you're not, you're a gambler, not a business person. Asrepparttar 117997 big guys in Vegas know, gamblers always lose inrepparttar 117998 end.

So, As You Going To Get Smart About Online Success, Or Are You The Next Fatality Waiting To Happen?

Back in 1994 when we started Worldprofit, it wasn't clear how to make real money online. Nobody knew; there was a lot of trial and error experimentation going on. Inrepparttar 117999 process, there were lots of people who failed. That was understandable, givenrepparttar 118000 fact thatrepparttar 118001 technology was new and successful business models didn't exist.

Now, however, there are lots of successful -- and unsuccessful -- cyber business models around. We do know what it takes to profit. We can point to things that'll work and those which are certain to fail.

The problem now is that too many people approachingrepparttar 118002 task of profiting online do so without sufficient thought, preparation, commitment, dedication, or realism. Result: mass (totally predictable) failures.

Right now,repparttar 118003 odds are you are not making a dime online. If you don't change your tune, that sorry state of affairs will continue. If that doesn't bother you, no problem. But if it does, if you insist on success, read this report again, print it and keep it handy.

Your first year is going to be difficult; establishing a new business always is. But by following these steps and by working with us at Worldprofit, it need not berepparttar 118004 annus horribilis it has been for so many who didn't do what was necessary to succeed online.

Dr. Jeffrey Lant, Co-Founder of Worldprofit at, is an internationally known marketer and business-development authority. You'll find his many books at

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