How to Floss Your Teeth

Written by Dentistry21 Editorial Team

Continued from page 1
repparttar floss around your middle fingers. Using your index and thumb moverepparttar 114105 floss in between all your teeth one by one. When flossing, make sure you are not cutting your gum. The goal is to cleanrepparttar 114106 teeth surfaces and notrepparttar 114107 gum. In each space in betweenrepparttar 114108 teeth, pressrepparttar 114109 floss against each tooth (hugrepparttar 114110 tooth) and gently move it back and fort and up and down and then move torepparttar 114111 opposite surface ofrepparttar 114112 adjacent tooth.

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How to Brush Your Teeth

Written by Dentistry21 Editorial Team

Continued from page 1

Holdrepparttar brush with a 45 degree angle towardrepparttar 114104 teeth andrepparttar 114105 gum. Gently press againstrepparttar 114106 gum sorepparttar 114107 tips ofrepparttar 114108 bristles go in betweenrepparttar 114109 gum andrepparttar 114110 teeth. Then apply lateral vibration for few times and roll downrepparttar 114111 brush to sweeprepparttar 114112 plaque away fromrepparttar 114113 teeth andrepparttar 114114 gum. Repeat this motion 6 to 10 times and move on torepparttar 114115 next area of 2 to 3 teeth. If your mouth is full of foam, spit out and continue brushing. Your brushing is completed when you have brushed allrepparttar 114116 surfaces of your teeth and not when your mouth is full!

On chewing surfaces, short strokes will work best to getrepparttar 114117 plaque out ofrepparttar 114118 grooves and pits. Also when brushingrepparttar 114119 front teeth from inside, hold your brush vertically to be able to reachrepparttar 114120 teeth better.

As far as frequency of brushing is concerned, ideally you want to brush your teeth after each meal. But if you can't, brush at least twice a day after breakfast and before going to bed.

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