How to Cope With Colic

Written by Monica Faircloth

Continued from page 1

1. Swaddle her. Babies up to four months old feel safe and secure when bundled and will calm down. This imitates her cozy womb environment and soothes her cries with a sense of familiarity.

2. Carry him in a sling or carrier close to your body and walk around. The motion will imitaterepparttar movements he felt while he was being carried in your womb.

3. Play "white noise" such asrepparttar 110260 dishwasher, washing machine or evenrepparttar 110261 vacuum cleaner to imitaterepparttar 110262 sounds she heard while safe and snug in your tummy.

4. If all else fails, go for a car ride. The motion will imitaterepparttar 110263 frequent movement he felt while in your womb and may calm him, and you, down.

Some of these things will work all ofrepparttar 110264 time and all of these things will work some ofrepparttar 110265 time, but just keep in mind that this will all pass. Enjoy these precious days with your little one because soon you will have to potty train them and you will think back torepparttar 110266 good old days...when all you had to worry about was a little colic!

Monica Faircloth is a full time mommy and the owner of:

This man tried to molest my child online.

Written by Mandy P.

Continued from page 1

After prohibiting AOL use in my home, I knew that would not do anything to stop this. I was told about a piece of software that would help me track down this monster and get this information torepparttar cops. It would not only keep my son safe, it would also allow me to actually monitor what he would be doing online. Rupert Taylor a.k.a amy13 is currently being held without bail for a variety of charges.

I have been on a personal crusade to WARN parents and help them keep their kids safe from predators sexual . These arerepparttar 110259 2 products I used successfully to keep my children safe from online predators. This man tried to molest my child online!

Single mom from U.S.

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