How to Collect Samples, Testimonials, and References as a

Written by Brian Konradt

Continued from page 1

Brian Konradt (copy writer/DTP publisher): "Years ago I had joined a national writers' group. I started a newsletter forrepparttar organization, out of my own expenses, and charged each member $3 for a copy. I also wrote a press release to publicizerepparttar 129226 newsletter. My press release was published in three trade magazines. I never made a profit -- in fact, I lost money on this endeavor. But I usedrepparttar 129227 newsletter andrepparttar 129228 published press releases as samples. Members also mailed me testimonials about how much they lovedrepparttar 129229 newsletter and how professional it looked. This was my very first professional sample that I stuck in my portfolio, and possibly, I believe, persuaded my first client to invest in my services. You can do something similar."

Michelle O'Reilly (copy writer): "Network. Meet people. You got that? My first client came as a result of my being inrepparttar 129230 right place atrepparttar 129231 right time with a stack of my bright white business cards tucked away inrepparttar 129232 fist of my hand. I had attended a marketing seminar that was held by a local business chapter. The seminar had attracted a large gathering of business professionals, entrepreneurs, and other freelancers. There was time afterwards for networking -- and that's what I did. I handed out my business cards to anyone who sounded as if they'd be interested in my writing services. And somebody was interested! A few days later I received a call from a young entrepreneur who was looking for a way to promote a new product. Was I interested in writing a brochure for him? I told him let's get started, I'm ready, with not even an idea of what I was going to charge him. I only got paid a fraction ofrepparttar 129233 amount I demand now, but it helped me launch my career. Whenever there's a social gathering in your area, make sure you attend and network. Put your face in front ofrepparttar 129234 crowd. Let everyone know you exist and you have these great skills as a writer. Network. Remember it. It's a great way to get clients and referrals."

Andi Lipschein (technical writer): "If you want to get yourself samples, attend a workshop. It's how I got my first professional sample: a technical manual, critiqued and corrected byrepparttar 129235 instructor, on how to operate a piece of equipment. My advice is attend as many workshops as you can in your area of specialty. They offer tremendous benefits: you increase your knowledge onrepparttar 129236 subject, you get trained by a professional, you get hands-on experience, and you walk away with professional, critiqued samples for your portfolio. Many local community colleges and high schools offer writing workshops as part of their Continuing Education series. The information and samples you obtain will last a lifetime."

Rita Clayborne (PR writer): "I interned my way to success...My experience and skills came from interning for five different public relations firms in New York for two years. I got a lot of hands-on experience -- and a lot of headaches, but I learned how to work with deadlines and how to deal with clients. I also got tremendous insight intorepparttar 129237 field, such as pricing my services competitively, how to tap into my market, and how to make a business succeed. This had a positive impact onrepparttar 129238 success of my PR business today. You can intern part-time (a couple of days out ofrepparttar 129239 week), or full-time (five days out ofrepparttar 129240 week). I got paid for my work as an intern, but don't always expect to get paid. Call up some PR firms in your area and speak withrepparttar 129241 person in charge. Ask if they offer an internship program; if not, ask if they'd be willing to accept you as an intern. You can locate PR firms inrepparttar 129242 Yellow Pages. Alternatively, you can contactrepparttar 129243 Cooperative Education department of your local college and askrepparttar 129244 director to help you in your search. As an intern, you will collect many professional samples, references and contacts!"

John Palmeri (graphic designer): "Whenrepparttar 129245 company I worked for was planning to do a newsletter to celebrate its 30 years of service, I jumped atrepparttar 129246 opportunity. I was only a stock clerk there, but I was attending college for my bachelor's degree in Communications Arts, and I had some skills as a layout artist. My boss agreed to let me producerepparttar 129247 newsletter, and boy, did I get excited. I didn't get paid for doing it -- although there was a bigger Christmas bonus for me -- but it helped me produce my first sample with my name on it. At that time I wasn't planning to freelance -- but that changed downrepparttar 129248 road when I wanted to make more money doing what I love most: producing newsletters. To this day, I still produce newsletters forrepparttar 129249 same company I had worked for five years ago. The difference now is I get paid top dollar to produce it, and I'm my own boss."

NOW WHAT? Once you have samples, you'll need to prepare a portfolio, plus a brochure or sales letter or web site selling your services. Your promotional material should contain testimonials for hard-hitting power. As a beginner, don't spend a lot of money advertising your services. The time will eventually come when you'll turn "pro" and you'll spend at least 25% of your earnings on promotion. For now, decide to place a small classified ad in your local newspaper, tack up fliers onrepparttar 129250 bulletin boards at your local supermarkets and libraries, or advertise your services on free job boards onrepparttar 129251 Internet. See what types of responses you get. Be persistent in your search for clients. Most of all: Don't give up! The professional isrepparttar 129252 amateur who had never quit inrepparttar 129253 first place.

When you get your first client, letrepparttar 129254 client do most ofrepparttar 129255 talking. You will find that many clients will not even ask to see your samples -- so don't even bring it up. Many clients will accept you as a writer -- on your word alone -- and will work with you.

Work hard and good luck!

© 2003 B. Konradt Brian Konradt is webmaster of FreelanceWriting.Com (, a web site dedicated to help writers master the business and creative sides of freelance writing. Mr. Konradt was formerly principal of BSK Communications & Associates, a communications/publishing business in New Jersey, which he established in 1992.


Written by Avril Harper

Continued from page 1


By Avril Harper

C 577 words

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FIVE MINUTES ... Is All You Need phone a friend ..... peel potatoes for dinner ..... pickrepparttar kids up from school ..... or write a few words that could earn you anything from a plastic pinny or ballpoint pen, to a dream house inrepparttar 129224 sun, a top-of-the-range sports car, or thousands of dollars in cash and luxury goods!

Even if just a few minutes a day is all you can spare, you can still be a well-respected, regularly published writer.

No special skills are required, you definitely don't need a computer or word processor, a telephone or desk. And you certainly do not need lots of spare time ..... because you are about to enterrepparttar 129225 fascinating world of .....


Short written pieces are in great demand all overrepparttar 129226 world, by editors and publishers, alongside other high-paying clients, both to fill space where a feature falls short ofrepparttar 129227 published page, hence ‘filler', and to lighten otherwise staid publications, such as medical journals and import/export bulletins.

Five minute writing covers far more enjoyable and profitable projects than most people appreciate ..... taking just minutes to produce ..... and covering everything from readers' letters and fillers, to mini-articles, puzzles and quizzes, recipes and household hints, photographs and cartoons, to greetings card verses, competition slogans, and much, much more besides.

That's why five minute writing is consideredrepparttar 129228 best way to begin and develop a successful writing career, and why many established and very well-paid writers stay with this profitable medium, plus:

• It's very satisfying to see your work and name in print andrepparttar 129229 earlier that happensrepparttar 129230 sooner you become a professional writer, andrepparttar 129231 smootherrepparttar 129232 road becomes to longer, more profitable writing assignments.

• Smaller pieces gets you know to editors who, having seen and enjoyed your work, are more likely to commission you for longer pieces later.

• Word for word, rewards are far higher than for almost any other type of written projects, withrepparttar 129233 possible exception of creating winning slogans and tie-breakers for big-prize competitions.

• No rejection slips, ever! What better start to a full-time writing career?

• Complete pieces can be finished in minutes and spread over whatever timerepparttar 129234 writer can spare between other professional and domestic activities. Great for mother or carer, or otherwise housebound or restricted individual with a desire to write, but little time to spare.

• No bulky equipment and research materials required, meaning you can write, any time, any place, anywhere. A notepad and pen is all you really need to get started on this amazing journey to becoming a well-paid writer.

• Fillers can be fitted between longer assignments, offering a change of ‘scenery' and more frequent financial rewards.

• Every single piece you write can be recycled in columns, articles, even full-length best-selling books, and can continue earning high rewards over months, years, perhaps forever.

It's not a case of ‘cheap and cheerful' for those who publish your work - they need you - to increase interest in their publications, reduce reading times, multiply circulation rates, and cut their overheads.

For that they'll reward you well, and continue doing so, perhaps forrepparttar 129235 lifetime of your mutual existence!

Avril Harper ( is the author of ‘How to Be a Five Minute Writer' and spends a great deal of her own full-time writing day creating short pieces for regular, high ticket rewards.

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