How to Clone any top eBay Powerseller

Written by Jason James

Continued from page 1

For example, several times when I was looking at a power seller, they would state either in their eBay ad or About Me page what company there were buying their product from, or state that they specialize in discontinued products from this particular company. The key to cloning any ofrepparttar sellers is to read these statements, contact their sources and set up an account.

I used this technique and found out this seller concentrated on two main computer brands. Once again, they weren't a large company; so I said to myself, I can buy from this source. Now of course, no seller in his right mind will give you that information, so you need to mine eBay for contact gold. I went to search engine and started to type inrepparttar 150672 company's products to get contact information.

A Super sales secret is that virtually every company has a Liquidation Department.

You need to get to that department and get on their bid list. This sometimes takes several calls and perseverance. Remember, once you are on these bid lists, you can make $3,000-$10,000 per month. These are not wholesale sources. These are 1/2repparttar 150673 cost of wholesale sources. These arerepparttar 150674 "top ofrepparttar 150675 line suppliers" that you need to target. You only need 1 or 2 and you will have more products that you know what to do with.

Jason James is a 10 year Internet marketing veteran and an eBay Power Seller of 4 years. His website "The Auction Resource Network" reveals his inside secrets and sources that help him pocket over $10,000 a month on eBay.

Claim your FREE 14 Day "Learn How to Sell on eBay" e-Course Here:

eBay Powerseller, selling on eBay, a hard lesson learned

Written by Jason James

Continued from page 1

In order to sell this slow moving inventory they had to take this product and sell it onrepparttar weekend and local swap meets etc, they were able to move throughrepparttar 150671 cosmetics but it was barely a break even scenario after allrepparttar 150672 time and additional labor involved in sellingrepparttar 150673 goods.

4 questions to ask a before buying a large quantity of products for resale.

1. Have you checkedrepparttar 150674 eBay-completed auctions to get an idea ofrepparttar 150675 demand? Usingrepparttar 150676 free eBay search functions to view completed auctions. Viewingrepparttar 150677 completed listing we give you a snapshot of whatrepparttar 150678 eBay market will bear.

2. Did you also check completed auctions under multiple search terms? You can apply this question to any of your eBay sales. I always researchrepparttar 150679 product name title and any descriptions even prior to listing an auction up for sale. (This will not only increase your success rate but also will also give you more bids and higher ending value of your eBay auction.)

3. Did you account for any additional storage fees for these items)? This question is designed to see what if any additional fees you may incur storing this product over a longer period of time.

4. How long will it take to sell throughrepparttar 150680 load of product? This question is designed to find out how much time to sell through you entire load at which point your profit would be calculated If it take over 6 months to a year this may not be a load of product you want to purchase.

Learn from this lesson Unless you are givenrepparttar 150681 product to liquidate at no cost be very careful in evaluation all cost andrepparttar 150682 time involved to sell through a load of items for resale on eBay.

Jason James is a 10 year Internet marketing veteran and an eBay Power Seller of 4 years. His website "The Auction Resource Network" reveals his inside secrets and sources that help him pocket over $10,000 a month on eBay.

Claim your FREE 14 Day "Learn How to Sell on eBay" e-Course Here:

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