Continued from page 1
*! Now pay attention - here's were you can screw up royal!
With your hand, install new oil filter. If it seems even slightly hard to turn, back it out! You are crossing threads. Most filters have an instruction printed on them to give filter one more turn after gasket has made contact.
Here's what I recommend: screw filter on until its "hand tight". Then use oil filter wrench to snug it up another 1/8 to 1/4 turn. This is critical!
When vehicle is running, oil pump puts oil under pressure. If you don't install oil filter tight enough, oil will come gushing out. If that happens shut down engine immediately! Without oil, an engine will lock up within seconds.
The first time I changed my oil, I used filter wrench to tighten filter as tight as I could get it. Wrong! The next time I went to change my oil, I couldn't get filter off. Luckily I had plenty of room around filer, so I hammered a screw driver through body of filter and used handle of screw driver to turn filter off.
Warning! Don't over-tighten filter. Follow instructions above carefully!
- The GM dual-overhead-cam EcoTec engine has an unusual oil filter located on top of engine. Remove engine air intake hose. That's oil filter canister just to right of, and below, end of open air intake tube. Use a proper size wrench to remove canister lid. This engine uses a special filter cartridge.
Step 3. Add new oil.
Locate oil filler cap on valve cover. I've seen newbies pour motor oil in everything from master brake cylinder to radiator cap. Make sure you have located the oil filler cap. Remove oil filler cap.
When pouring oil, you would be wise to use a funnel between oil can and valve cover oil filler hole.
How much oil should you add? Look in your cars owner manual. Most engines have a capacity of four or five quarts. Don't overfill crank case. When you run engine extra oil will be blown out through PCV value, possibly stalling your engine.
Tip: If you don't know oil capacity of engine, add four quarts, then check oil level, if it's a quart low add another quart.
Replace oil filler cap.
Step 4. Start Engine.
Yes, I know, I said there where only three steps. You're finished, this is not really a "step".
Start engine and make sure oil warning light goes off. Look under vehicle to make sure oil is not leaking out. Turn off engine and let it set for a minute to let oil drain down to crank case. Then use dip stick to check oil level.
How to check oil level: Remove dip stick, wipe it clean with a rag, reinstall dip stick. Make sure dip stick is in all way or you will get a false reading. After a few seconds remove dip stick and examine how far up stick is covered with oil. Most dip sticks have a "full" mark printed on them.
Note: I find best way to dispose of old oil is to use a funnel to pore it from collection pan into bottles from which new oil came. When I get a big pile of used oil bottles I bring them to oil recycling center. Be sure to mark used oil bottles so you don't accidentally think they are new oil.
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